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Streams are objects that act as a sequential channel of elements from
(or even to) some source.
Streams respond to a number of common messages. However, many of these
only work on some of the stream types, usually according to good sense:
- next
- reads and returns the next element in the stream.
This causes the stream reader to advance one element.
- peek
- reads and returns the next element in the stream.
This does not advance the stream reader.
- next:
- draws the next n number of elements from
the stream and returns them in a Sequence of the appropriate
- next:putInto:
- reads the next N bytes into the given Sequence
starting from index 0.
- next:putInto:startingAt:
- reads the N elements into the
given Sequence starting from the given index.
- nextPutInto:
- reads into the given Sequence the
number of elements which will fit into it.
- nextPut:
- writes the object to the stream.
- nextPutAll:
- alias stream ; sequence
writes all the objects in the Sequence to the stream. The
; selector allows the user to cascade several sequences into
the stream as though they were concatenated.
- do:
- applies a Block to each element of the stream.
- flush
- synchronizes the total state of the stream with any
pending requests made by the user.
- atEnd
- answers whether or not the stream has reached some
- upToEnd
- collects all the elements of the stream up to its
limit into an ExtensibleSequence.
shows the major stream types
and their relationships.
Stream Inheritance
- Stream
- provides the basic protocol for instantiating streams.
- Stream
- provides the basic protocol for instantiating streams.
- PositionableStream
- extends Stream to provide a basic protocol
to iterate over a sequence of elements from a Sequence or
a file or other source. These streams store their position in the
sequence as they iterate, and are re-positionable. It also has its
own variants, -Read-, -Write-, and -ReadWrite-.
- ReadStream
- provides the basic protocol for input access to a source.
- WriteStream
- provides the basic protocol for output access to a target.
- ReadWriteStream
- provides the basic protocol for both read and write
access, and caches its input as necessary.
- FileStream
- targets a file, for reading or writing.
- DummyStream
- is a ReadStream that just returns Nil
- EchoStream
- is a wrapper for a Stream which copies all stream
input/output interactions to another Stream for logging purposes.
- BlockStream
- is a ReadStream that targets a no-input block
and returns its output each time.
- BufferReadStream
- wraps another stream
with a special Buffer object for reading large chunks from
the stream at a time while handing out the elements as requested.
This also minimizes stress on the memory-allocator by avoiding unnecessary
allocation of arrays.
- BufferWriteStream
- wraps another stream
with a special Buffer object for writing large chunks to
the stream at a time while accepting new elements as requested. This
also minimizes stress on the memory-allocator by avoiding unnecessary
allocation of arrays.
There are a number of ways to create Streams, and a large
number of implementations, so some methods exist to simplify the process
of making a new one:
- newOn:
- creates a new Stream of the same type as
the first argument, targetting it to the second as a source. This
should not be overridden. Instead, the retargetting method on:
is overridden.
- newTo:
- creates a new WriteStream of the appropriate
type on the specified target. This should be overridden for derived
types, and the first argument should apply to the generic Stream
type to allow any instance to know this protocol.
- newFrom:
- creates a new ReadStream of the appropriate
type on the specified target. This should be overridden for derived
types, and the first argument should apply to the generic Stream
type to allow any instance to know this protocol.
- buffered
- creates and returns a new BufferStream
whose type corresponds to the argument and wraps the argument Stream.
- readBuffered
- creates and returns a new ReadBufferStream
which wraps the argument Stream.
- writeBuffered
- creates and returns a new WriteBufferStream
which wraps the argument Stream.
- echoTo:
- creates and returns a new EchoStream
which wraps the first argument Stream and echoes to the second.
The Slate interpreter provides two Streams primitively, ConsoleInput
and ConsoleOutput, which are Read- and WriteStreams
by default.
Each collection type may define its own Stream type which
goes over its elements in series, even if the collection is not ordered,
and only visits each element once. This type's prototype is accessed
via the slot ReadStream within each collection. So ``Set ReadStream''
refers to the prototype suitable for iterating over Sets.
In order to create a new iterator for a specific collection, the iterator
message is provided, which clones the prototype for that collection's
type and targets it to the receiver of the message. The protocol summary:
- iterator
- will return a ReadStream or preferrably
a ReadWriteStream if one is available for the type.
- reader
- and writer get only ReadStream
and WriteStream objects for the type, when available.
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