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Slate's environment is available for saving as a whole via the representative
object Image. It offers the following
- save &name:
- Writes out a file
containing the contents of the heap, after running a simple cleaning
sweep of memory contents. The filename defaults to 'slate.image'
or to the name of the most recent filename parameter value given.
Note that execution context state is not disturbed, so saves may occur
in any context as a snapshot of system-wide state, including debuggers,
inspectors, and other live running processes.
- handleShutdown
- Performs
each action (a block) in the Image's shutdownActions
attribute, a Dictionary mapping keys to those corresponding
actions. The keys are not meaningful except for identification by
the library which installs it, so generally Symbols are used
or objects which can be identified and distinguished very easily.
handleShutdown is actually called by the quit method.
The purpose of shutdown actions is to clean up any state that may
affect the surrounding environment if not handled properly.
- handleStartup
- Performs
each action (a block) in the Image's startupActions
attribute, a Dictionary mapping keys to those corresponding
actions. The keys are not meaningful except for identification by
the library which installs it, so generally Symbols are used
or objects which can be identified and distinguished very easily.
handleStartup is actually called by the save method
when the image is re-started, because the execution context is preserved,
and the VM sends a signal to indicate a fresh startup. The purpose
of startup actions is to clean up any state that may be left over
from a previous session with that Slate environment, and also to re-initialize
state which must persist to avoid inconsistent execution of various
services. ExternalResources (sub:External-Resources)
whose connections must be persistent are primary users of these hooks.
- handleSave
- Performs each action
(a block) in the Image's saveActions
attribute, a Dictionary mapping keys to those corresponding
actions. The keys are not meaningful except for identification by
the library which installs it, so generally Symbols are used
or objects which can be identified and distinguished very easily.
handleSave is actually called by the quit method.
The purpose of save actions is to clean up any state that should not
be saved at all; for example, passwords stored for secure access to
external resources should be purged. In general, startup actions should
be used for any other save-related activities.
We are developing methods for extracting ``slices'' of images
and saving them on disk along with explicit linking information so
that groups of arbitrary objects may be transported reliably.
Next: 4 Style Guide
Up: 3 The Slate World
Previous: 3.15 Modules
Brian Rice