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- Magnitude
- the abstract protocol for linearly-comparable objects,
following <, >, <=, >=, and =.
- Number
- the abstract type of dimensionless quantities.
- Integer
- integral quantities, generally.
- SmallInteger
- machine-word-limited literals. Their normal protocol
will not produce errors inconsistent with mathematic behavior of Integers,
- BigInteger
- larger Integers, implemented as WordArrays.
- Fraction
- An exact representation of a quotient, or rational number.
- Float
- A low-level floating-point numeric representation, being inexact.
- Complex
- A complex number, similar to a pair of real numbers.
All of the normal arithmetic operations (i.e. +, -,
*, /) are supported primitively between elements
of the same type. Type coercion has to be done entirely in code; no
implicit coercions are performed by the virtual machine. However,
the standard library includes methods which perform this coercion.
The interpreter also transparently provides unlimited-size integers,
although the bootstrapped system may not do so implicitly.
The following are the rest of the primitive operations, given with
an indication of their "signatures":
- Float raisedTo: Float
- is simple floating-point exponentiation.
- Integer as: Float
- extends an integer into a float.
- Float as: Integer
- truncates a float.
- Integer bitOr: Integer
- performs bitwise logical OR.
- Integer bitXor: Integer
- performs bitwise logical XOR.
- Integer bitAnd: Integer
- performs bitwise logical AND.
- Integer bitShift: Integer
- performs bitwise logical right-shift
(left-shift if negative).
- Integer bitNot
- performs bitwise logical NOT.
- Integer >> Integer
- performs logical
- Integer << Integer
- performs logical
- Integer quo: Integer
- returns a quotient (integer division).
Many more useful methods are defined, such as mod:, reciprocal,
min:, max:, between:and:, lcm:,
and gcd:. Slate also works with Fractions when dividing
Integers, keeping them lazily reduced.
- zero
- The zero element for the type of number.
- isZero
- Whether the number is the zero element for its type.
- isPositive/isNegative
- Whether its positive or
- abs
- The absolute value of the number.
- sign
- The sign of the number.
- negated
- Returns -x for x.
- gcd:
- Greatest common divisor.
- lcm:
- Least common multiple.
- factorial
- Factorial.
- mod:/rem:/quo:
- Modulo division, remainder,
and quotient.
- reciprocal
- Constructs a new fraction reciprocal.
- min:
- The lesser of the arguments. The least in cases of
- max:
- The greater of the arguments. The greatest in cases
of max:max:.
- a between: b and: c
- Whether a is between b
and c.
- truncated/fractionPart
- Returns the greatest integer
less than the number, and the corresponding difference as a fraction
(or a float for Float).
- reduced
- Only defined on Fraction, this is the
lazily-applied reducer; it will be invoked automatically for arithmetic
operations as necessary, but is useful when only the reduced form
is needed.
- PositiveInfinity
- is greater than any other Magnitude.
- NegativeInfinity
- is lesser than any other Magnitude.
- LargeUnbounded
- A Magnitude designed to represent non-infinite,
but non-bounded (``as large as you like'') quantities.
- PositiveEpsilon
- is as small as you like, but positive and greater
than zero.
- NegativeEpsilon
- is as small as you like, but negative and lesser
than zero.
There is an entire system for handling dimensioned units and their
various combinations and mathematical operations. See the 'src/dimensioned.slate'
file for an overview.
Next: 3.6 Collections
Up: 3 The Slate World
Previous: 3.4 Control-flow
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