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Figure 1:
Core Object Inheritance
Slate defines several subtle variations on the core behavior of objects:
- Root
- The "root"
object, upon which all the very basic methods of slot manipulation
are defined.
- Oddball
- The branch of Root
representing non-cloneable objects. These include built-in 'constants'
such as the Booleans, as well as literals (value-objects)
such as Characters and Symbols. Note that Oddball
itself defines a clone method, but
that method will only work once, in that you can clone Oddball
but not objects made by cloning Oddball.
- Nil
- Nil is an Oddball
representing "no-object".
- NoRole
- NoRole is an Oddball
representing a non-dispatching participant in a method definition.
Methods cannot be defined directly on NoRole.
- Derivable
- Derivable
objects respond to derive, which
means they can be readily used for extension.
- Cloneable
- A Derivable
that can be cloned.
- Method
- A Cloneable object
with attributes for supporting execution of blocks (with closure semantics,
notably) and holding compiled code and its attributes.
- Identity
- ==
returns whether the two arguments are identical, i.e. the same object,
and ~== is its negation. Value-equality (= and
its negation ~=) defaults to this.
- Printing
- printString
returns a printed (string) representation of the object. printOn:
places the result of printing onto a designated Stream
(print will invoke printOn:
on the Console). This should be overridden for clarity.
- Delegation-testing
- isReally:
returns whether the first object has the second (or its traits object
if it is not a Trait) as one of its delegated objects, directly
or indirectly.
- Kind-testing
- is:
returns whether the first object has the same kind as the second object,
or some derived kind from the second object's kind. By default, is:
is isReally:; overrides can allow the user to adapt or abuse
this notion where delegation isn't appropriate but kind-similarity
still should hold. isSameAs:
answers whether the arguments have the same traits object.
- Hashing
- A quick way to sort by object value that
makes searching collections faster is the hash
method, which by default hashes on the object's identity (available
separately as identityHash),
essentially by its birth address in memory. More importantly, this
is how value-equality
is established for collections; if an object type overrides =,
it must also override the hash method's algorithm so that
a = b
a hash = b hash.
- Cloning
- The clone
method is fundamental for Slate objects. It creates and returns a
new object identical in slot names and values to the argument object,
but with a new unique identity. As such, it has a very specific meaning
and should only be used that way.
- Copying
- The copy
method makes a value-equal (=) object from the argument and
returns the new object. This should be overridden as necessary where
= is overridden. The default case is to clone the original
- Conversion/coercion
- the as:
protocol provides default conversion methods between types of objects
in Slate. Some primitive types, such as Number, override
this. The as: method has a default implementation on root
objects: if no converter is found or if the objects are not of the
same type, the failure will raise a condition. Precisely, the behavior
of a as: b is to produce an object based on a
which is as much like b as possible.
There are various Oddballs in the system,
and they are non-cloneable in general. However, Oddball itself
may be cloned, for extension purposes.
Next: 3.3 Introspection
Up: 3 The Slate World
Previous: 3.1 Overall Organization
Brian Rice