object_heap Struct Reference

#include <slate.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for object_heap:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Attributes

byte_t mark_color
word_t memoryOldSize
word_t memoryYoungSize
word_t memoryOldLimit
word_t memoryYoungLimit
struct OopArrayspecial_objects_oop
word_t current_dispatch_id
bool_t interrupt_flag
bool_t quiet
bool_t quietGC
bool_t automaticallyInline
word_t lastHash
word_t method_cache_hit
word_t method_cache_access
word_t gcTenureCount
char ** envp
FILE ** file_index
word_t file_index_size
DIR ** dir_index
word_t dir_index_size
struct ObjectnextFree
struct ObjectnextOldFree
struct Objectdelegation_stack [DELEGATION_STACK_SIZE]
struct MethodCacheEntry methodCache [METHOD_CACHE_SIZE]
std::multiset< struct
CompiledMethod * > 
std::vector< struct Object * > tenuredObjects
void * memory_areas [SLATE_MEMS_MAXIMUM]
int memory_sizes [SLATE_MEMS_MAXIMUM]
int memory_num_refs [SLATE_MEMS_MAXIMUM]
struct slate_addrinfo_requestsocketTickets
int socketTicketCount
int argcSaved
char ** argvSaved
struct utsname platform_info
struct Object ** markStack
size_t markStackSize
size_t markStackPosition
std::set< struct Object * > rememberedOldObjects
void * stackBottom
bool_t currentlyProfiling
int64_t profilerTimeStart
int64_t profilerTime
int64_t profilerLastTime
std::set< struct Object * > profiledMethods
std::map< struct Object *, word_t > profilerCallCounts
std::map< struct Object *, word_t > profilerSelfTime
std::map< struct Object
*, std::map< struct Object
*, word_t > > 
std::map< struct Object
*, std::map< struct Object
*, word_t > > 
std::vector< struct Object * > profilerCallStack
std::vector< word_t > profilerCallStackTimes
word_t doFullGCNext
struct {
   struct Interpreter *   interpreter
   struct Object *   true_object
   struct Object *   false_object
   struct Object *   nil
   struct Object *   primitive_method_window
   struct Object *   compiled_method_window
   struct Object *   closure_method_window

Detailed Description

Definition at line 334 of file slate.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 390 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 391 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 348 of file slate.hpp.

struct { ... } object_heap::cached

Definition at line 431 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 430 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 344 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 403 of file slate.hpp.

struct Object* object_heap::delegation_stack[DELEGATION_STACK_SIZE] [read]

Definition at line 365 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 360 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 361 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 415 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 353 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 427 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 356 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 357 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 351 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 425 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 345 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 349 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 336 of file slate.hpp.

struct Object** object_heap::markStack [read]

Definition at line 395 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 397 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 396 of file slate.hpp.

void* object_heap::memory_areas[SLATE_MEMS_MAXIMUM]

Definition at line 377 of file slate.hpp.

int object_heap::memory_num_refs[SLATE_MEMS_MAXIMUM]

Definition at line 379 of file slate.hpp.

int object_heap::memory_sizes[SLATE_MEMS_MAXIMUM]

Definition at line 378 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 337 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 341 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 339 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 338 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 342 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 340 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 350 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 350 of file slate.hpp.

struct MethodCacheEntry object_heap::methodCache[METHOD_CACHE_SIZE] [read]

Definition at line 366 of file slate.hpp.

struct Object* object_heap::nextFree [read]

Definition at line 363 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 364 of file slate.hpp.

struct Object* object_heap::nil [read]

Definition at line 428 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 369 of file slate.hpp.

struct utsname object_heap::platform_info [read]

Definition at line 393 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 429 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 405 of file slate.hpp.

std::map<struct Object*,word_t> object_heap::profilerCallCounts

Definition at line 406 of file slate.hpp.

std::vector<struct Object*> object_heap::profilerCallStack

Definition at line 410 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 411 of file slate.hpp.

std::map<struct Object*, std::map<struct Object*,word_t> > object_heap::profilerChildCallCount

Definition at line 408 of file slate.hpp.

std::map<struct Object*, std::map<struct Object*,word_t> > object_heap::profilerChildCallTime

Definition at line 409 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 404 of file slate.hpp.

std::map<struct Object*,word_t> object_heap::profilerSelfTime

Definition at line 407 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 404 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 404 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 346 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 347 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 399 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 382 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 381 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 343 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 401 of file slate.hpp.

std::vector<struct Object*> object_heap::tenuredObjects

Definition at line 374 of file slate.hpp.

Definition at line 426 of file slate.hpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Fri Feb 5 09:54:19 2010 for Slate VM by  doxygen 1.5.8