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The ``Mobius'' Slate Implementation Manual

Brian T. Rice and Lee Salzman


We introduce the various implementation mechanisms, structure, and their usage within the Slate system. This also gathers all notes about the implementation details, so that users of the system have a relatively easy entry into developing their own extensions or uses.


List of Tables

1 Overview

Slate's implementation is designed to provide an open and flexible means of extending and maintaining the system. The ability to run code optimally is an important factor in the design, but the overriding principles are to be portable and generic. Most importantly, the design tries to avoid making any design decisions too firmly assumed; that is, that the coupling between subsystems is loose, and particular design choices are (or should be) localized as much as possible.

2 Front-End

The implementation front-end works with source code from user input until it is converted into a form directly consumable for execution. All of these components are within the Syntax namespace. Source-code parsing is performed by a two-stage system: incoming text from a stream is lexified into tokens, its external protocol being a stream of tokens. The parser is a further ProcessorStream of this token stream; users of the parser are provided with a stream of parse-node objects which represent the abstract syntax tree of Slate source. The compilers and other source tools work on the output of this stream.

2.1 Lexer

2.2 Parser

2.3 Code-walking

2.4 Macros

Macro-level method calls are evaluated and replaced in place with the call macroExpand, working recursively on whatever node is the argument.

2.5 Modes

3 Memory Usage and Layout

Part of the abstract machine design involves providing a layer of safe references and arithmetic, as well as defining the expected layout of targets of references.

3.1 Memory Structure Formats

3.1.1 Pointers

Object pointers are tagged with one bit, in the low end. A one value indicates a SmallInteger direct value stored in the remaining bits, a signed 31-bit (word-size minus one) value with negatives in twos-complement format. A value of zero indicates a reference to an object on the heap.

3.1.2 Headers

Objects and other complex heap structures begin with a single-word header. The format:
Bit/Range Interpretation
0 GC Mark Flag
1 Forwarding Flag
2...23 Identity-based Hash
24...29 Object Size
30...31 Format Code
The format codes are as follows:
Code Interpretation
00 Normal Object
01 Array of ObjectPointers
10 Array of Byte Values
11 Payload - Mixed Slots and Array
``Payload'' style objects contain an extra word, the low 30 bits of which are a size field denoting the number of slots. The high two bits are another format code for the payload itself.

3.1.3 Objects

The word format:
Word Interpretation
0 Header
1 Map Pointer
2? Optional Extended Object Size
2 Slot Value Pointer 0
2+N Slot Value Pointer N
The slot values are stored in offsets specified by the object's map. The object format includes an optional extended size field before the slot values if the header's size field is maximized; that is, if its value is 255. Delegate slots are stored in a contiguous block before non-delegating data slots.

3.1.4 Arrays

The word format:
Word Interpretation
0 Header
1 Map Pointer
2? Optional Extended Array Size
2 Element Value Pointer 0
2+N Element Value Pointer N
This is adjusted for the word-size for the element type, say for a FloatArray or ByteArray. There is an optional extended size field just as for ordinary objects. The map pointer will refer to one of the VM-known array map objects.

3.1.5 Maps

The word format:
Word/Range Interpretation
0 Header
1 Representative Object
2 Number of Delegation Slots
3 Number of Data Slots
4 Pointer to the Method Dependency Array
5 Oldest Generation of Weak References
6-7 Method Dispatch ID (a serial)
8 Visited Position Bitmask
9 Pointer to the Slot Entry Array
10 Pointer to the Role Entry Array Slot Entries

The slot entry word format:
Word Interpretation
0 Slot Name Pointer
1 Slot Offset within the Object
The slot entry array word format (with optional extended size field):
Word Interpretation
0 Header
1 Slot Entry 0
1 + 3 * N Slot Entry N Role Entries

The role entry word format:
Word Interpretation
0 Role Position Bitmask
1 Dispatch Position Bitmask
2 Method Pointer
The role entry array word format (with optional extended size field):
Word Interpretation
0 Header
1 Role Entry 0
1 + 3 * N Role Entry N

3.1.6 Methods

Word format additions (to... ?):
Word/Range Interpretation
0-1 Dispatch ID
2 Dispatch Position Mask
3 Found Roles Position Bitmask
4 Dispatch Rank

3.2 Core Resident Structures

3.3 Memory-Management

3.3.1 Generational Mode (Not Fully Tested)

Slate has an incremental 2-generation garbage collector, using a mark-sweep-compact algorithm at its core, coded to avoid the need for a mark-stack. There is also a facility for relocating objects efficiently using forwarding blocks. General care has been taken to separate memory structure format details from the algorithms themselves, to provide some modularization or pluggability of memory formats.

3.3.2 Non-moving Mode

A simple memory manager (garbage collector) is provided which performs a mark-sweep-compact series of phases, with a tracked root-set and a card-marking mechanism to allow for low-level references into the heap to be handled safely and efficiently (objects marked will not be re-located automatically). This mode is as simple as it is for debugging and embedding simplicity.

3.4 Interaction Structures

3.4.1 External Resource Handles

3.4.2 FFI

4 C Translator and Dialect

4.1 Overview

A dialect is defined for translation of basic Slate programs which have a low-level semantics into safe, understandable, almost-idiomatic C programming language source code for quick portability across platforms.

4.2 Conventions

4.3 Restrictions

4.4 Special Methods

4.4.1 Arithmetic / Logical Operators

generate C arithmetic operators. Self-assignments of any kind using appropriate math operators will generate operator-assignments in C.
generate bitwise logical operators.
generate conditional calls to return minimum/maximum of arguments.

4.4.2 Conditionals

generate appropriate if-then-else statements, or conditional expressions if the source expression is embedded in another.
generate an appropriate case-statement.
combine a null-test with conditionals.

4.4.3 Iteration

generate appropriate arithmetic-iteration for-loops.
generate appropriate while loops.
sent to the current context will generate a loop iteration-breaking statement.

4.4.4 Memory Access

generates a C address-of operator.
generates a C dereferencing operator.
generates an assignment to the target of a pointer.
sent to a type-annotated expression to perform a C-style cast.
generate a C array access/assignment.
generate a word-oriented array access/assignment.

5 Bytecode Execution Engine

5.1 Context Management

5.1.1 Stack Format

The stack is an object array, which grows upward.

Table 1: Lexical Context Format
Word Offset Interpretation Type
0 Block Method or Block
1 Frame Frame Pointer (or Nil)
2 Variable 0  
2 + N - 1 Variable N - 1  

Table 2: Frame Format
Word Offset Interpretation Type
-N Return Instruction Pointer Fixed Integer
-N + 1 Variable 0  
-1 Variable N - 1  
0 Previous Frame Fixed Pointer
1 Currently Executing Block Method or Block
2 Lexical Context Pointer (or Nil)

NOTE: Input variables precede local variables in stack frame.

Table 3: Block Format
Word Interpretation Type
0 Input Variables Count Fixed Integer
1 Local Variables Count Fixed Integer
2 Free Variables Count Fixed Integer
3 Environment (Pointer to) Namespace
4 Lexical Window Array of Free Variable Arrays or Nil
5 Literal Array Array of Literals or Nil
6 Selector Array Array of Symbols or Nil
7 Code Array ByteArray of Instructions
8 Syntax Tree SyntaxNode or Nil

Method format inherits fields from block format, prefixed by a pointer to the Selector (a pointer to a Symbol).

5.1.2 Establishment

  1. Overwrite selector with return instruction pointer on stack.
  2. Allocate space for variables on stack.
  3. Put current stack pointer in frame pointer.
  4. Push previous frame pointer on stack.
  5. Push block or method on stack.
  6. If block needs free variables allocated,
    allocate lexical context and push on stack
    otherwise push Nil on stack.

5.1.3 Disestablishment

  1. If lexical context is not Nil ,
    set frame pointer in lexical context to Nil.
  2. Temporarily save top of stack as result value.
  3. Set stack pointer to frame pointer.
  4. Set frame pointer to previous frame pointer.
  5. Pop return instruction pointer from stack into instruction pointer.
  6. Push result value on stack.

5.2 Primitives

Opcodes have two different schemes for format. Normal opcodes are decoded by the bottom 4 bits of the byte, and use the top 4 bits to encode an immediate value argument. Extended opcodes have 0xF in the low-order bits, and encode the operation in the high-order bits. Immediate values are encoded as follows: if the value is less than 14, it is stored directly in the high-order 4 bits of the opcode byte. If not, the high-order bits are set to 0xF (15) and each next byte is added to that value through the first non-filled byte (the first value not having its high bit set, i.e. x bitAnd: 128/0x80); the result is the immediate value.

Table 4: Normal Opcodes
Opcode Name Immediate Value Interpretation
0 Invoke Message Argument Count  
1 Load Variable Variable Index  
2 Store Variable Variable Index  
3 Load Free Variable Lexical Offset Next Byte: Free Variable Index
4 Store Free Variable Lexical Offset Next Byte: Free Variable Index
5 Load Literal Literal Index  
6 Load Selector Selector Index  
7 Pop Pop Count  
8 Push Array Array Size  
9 New Block Literal Block Index  
A Branch Keyed Literal Table Index  
B Message Invocation w/Optionals Argument Count  
C Non-Local Return Lexical Offset  
D Push Integer Integer  
E (unused)    
F Extended... Extended Opcode  

Table 5: Extended Opcodes
Opcode Name Interpretation
0 Jump 16-bit signed displacement follows
1 Branch If True 16-bit signed displacement follows
2 Branch If False 16-bit signed displacement follows
3 Push Environment  
4 Resend  
5 Push Nil  
6 Identity Equals  
7 Push True  
8 Push False  

5.3 Native Methods

Slate primitive bytecodes are deliberately restricted to control-flow: stack operations, jumps, and messaging primitives for sending and resending. All other core primitive methods are termed native methods, and only operate on heap objects. Core native methods are currently defined within the virtual machine, but it is intended that any part of the runtime be able to supply its own native methods.

6 Optimizing Compiler

6.1 Intermediate Representation

6.2 Machine Representation

6.3 Optimizer

6.4 Back-End

About this document ...

The ``Mobius'' Slate Implementation Manual

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 2K.1beta (1.48)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

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The translation was initiated by The Slate Project on 2004-08-08

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The Slate Project 2004-08-08