requires: {#String. #Stream}. provides: {#XML}. "This is a port of the Smalltalk YAXO XML parser. It was originally written by Michael Reuger." prototypes ensureNamespace: #XML. XML addPrototype: #Node derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. n@(XML Node traits) contentsDo: block [n]. n@(XML Node traits) elementsDo: block [n]. n@(XML Node traits) firstTagNamed: name "Return the first encountered node with the specified tag. Pass the message on." [| answer | n elementsDo: [| :each | (answer: (each firstTagNamed: name)) ifNotNil: [^ answer]]. Nil ]. n@(XML Node traits) firstTagNamed: name with: testBlock "Return the first encountered node with the specified tag for which the block returns True. Pass the message on." [| answer | n elementsDo: [| :each | (answer: (each firstTagNamed: name with: testBlock)) ifNotNil: [^ answer]]. Nil ]. n@(XML Node traits) tagsNamed: name childrenDo: block "Evaluate the block on all children that match." [ n elementsDo: [| :each | each tagsNamed: name ifReceiverDo: block] ]. n@(XML Node traits) tagsNamed: name childrenDoAndRecurse: block "Evaluate the block on all children that match and recurse." [ n elementsDo: [| :each | each tagsNamed: name ifReceiverDoAndRecurse: block] ]. n@(XML Node traits) tagsNamed: name contentsDo: block "Evaluate the block on all contents that match." [ n elementsDo: [| :each | each tagsNamed: name contentsDo: block] ]. n@(XML Node traits) tagsNamed: name do: block "Evaluate the block on all tags that match." [ n elementsDo: [| :each | each tagsNamed: name do: block] ]. n@(XML Node traits) tagsNamed: name ifReceiverDo: block "Default handler; only XML TagNode should handle this." [n]. n@(XML Node traits) tagsNamed: name ifReceiverDoAndRecurse: block "Recurse all children." [ n elementsDo: [| :each | each tagsNamed: name ifReceiverDoAndRecurse: block] ]. n@(XML Node traits) tagsNamed: name ifReceiverOrChildDo: block "Recurse all children." [ n elementsDo: [| :each | each tagsNamed: name ifReceiverDo: block] ]. n@(XML Node traits) printOn: stream "This is for normal printing compatibility." [ n printXMLOn: (XML Writer newOn: stream) ]. n@(XML Node traits) printXMLOn: _ "Override this." [n]. XML addPrototype: #NodeWithElements derivedFrom: {XML Node}. XML NodeWithElements addSlot: #elements valued: ExtensibleArray newEmpty. n@(XML NodeWithElements traits) copy [| newN | newN: n clone. newN elements: n elements copy. newN ]. n@(XML NodeWithElements traits) printXMLOn: writer [ n elements do: [| :each | each printXMLOn: writer] ]. XML addPrototype: #Document derivedFrom: {XML NodeWithElements}. XML Document addSlot: #dtd valued: ''. XML Document addSlot: #version valued: ''. XML Document addSlot: #encoding valued: ''. XML Document addSlot: #requiredMarkup valued: ''. d@(XML Document traits) printXMLOn: writer [ n version ifNotNil: [writer XMLdeclaration: n version]. resend ]. d@(XML Document traits) printCanonicalOn: stream [| writer | writer: (XML Writer on: stream). writer canonical: True. d printXMLOn: writer ]. XML addPrototype: #Element derivedFrom: {XML NodeWithElements}. XML Element addSlot: #name valued: #''. XML Element addSlot: #contents valued: ExtensibleArray newEmpty. XML Element addSlot: #attributes valued: ExtensibleArray newEmpty. e@(XML Element traits) firstTagNamed: name "Return the first node with the tag, or pass it on." [ e name == name ifTrue: [n] ifFalse: [resend] ]. e@(XML Element traits) firstTagNamed: name with: testBlock "Return the first node with the tag and that passes the test, or pass it on." [ (e name == name and: [testBlock applyWith: e]) ifTrue: [n] ifFalse: [resend] ]. e@(XML Element traits) tagsNamed: name contentsDo: block "Call the block on all contents if the element's tag matches the given name, then pass it on." [ e name == name ifTrue: [e contentsDo: block]. resend ]. e@(XML Element traits) tagsNamed: name do: block "Call the block on the element if its tag matches the given name, then pass it on." [ e name == name ifTrue: [block applyWith: e]. resend ]. e@(XML Element traits) tagsNamed: name ifReceiverDo: block "Call the block on the element if the name matches." [ e name == name ifTrue: [block applyWith: e] ]. e@(XML Element traits) tagsNamed: name ifReceiverDoAndRecurse: block "Call the block on the element if the name matches. Then recurse through the children." [ e name == name ifTrue: [block applyWith: e]. resend ]. e@(XML Element traits) tagsNamed: name ifReceiverOrChildDo: block "Call the block on the element if the name matches, and do the same for the direct children only." [ e name == name ifTrue: [block applyWith: e]. resend ]. e@(XML Element traits) contentsDo: block [ e contents do: block ]. e@(XML Element traits) contentsString [ (e contents size == 1 and: [e contents first is: XML StringNode]) ifTrue: [e contents first string] ifFalse: [''] ]. e@(XML Element traits) contentsStringAt: name [ (e elements at: name ifAbsent: [^ '']) string ]. e@(XML Element traits) printXMLOn: writer [ writer startElement: e name attributeList: e attributes. (writer canonical not and: [e isEmpty and: [e attributes isEmpty not]]) ifTrue: [writer endEmptyTag: e name] ifFalse: [ writer endTag. e contentsDo: [| :content | content printXMLOn: writer]. resend. writer endTag: e name] ]. e@(XML Element traits) isEmpty "Treat the element as the joining of its elements and contents." [ e elements isEmpty and: [e contents isEmpty] ]. XML addPrototype: #ProcessingInstruction derivedFrom: {XML Node}. XML ProcessingInstruction addSlot: #target valued: ''. XML ProcessingInstruction addSlot: #data valued: ''. pi@(XML ProcessingInstruction traits) newForTarget: name data: string [| newPI | newPI: pi clone. newPI target: name. newPI data: string. newPI ]. "printXMLOn: defined after XML Writer is defined." XML addPrototype: #StringNode derivedFrom: {XML Node}. XML StringNode addSlot: #string valued: ''. sn@(XML StringNode traits) copy [| newSN | newSN: sn clone. newSN string: sn string copy. newSN ]. sn@(XML StringNode traits) newFor: string [| newSN | newSN: sn clone. newSN string: string. newSN ]. sn@(XML StringNode traits) printXMLOn: writer [ writer pcData: sn string ]. XML addSlot: #Translation valued: (Dictionary newSize: 30). XML Translation at: $\r put: ' '. XML Translation at: $\n put: ' '. XML Translation at: $\t put: ' '. XML Translation at: $& put: '&'. XML Translation at: $< put: '<'. XML Translation at: $> put: '>'. XML Translation at: $' put: '''. XML Translation at: $" put: '"'. XML addPrototype: #Writer derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. XML Writer addSlot: #stack valued: Stack newEmpty. XML Writer addSlot: #stream. XML Writer addSlot: #scanner. XML Writer addSlot: #canonical valued: False. w@(XML Writer traits) newOn: stream [| newW | newW: w clone. newW stack: w stack newEmpty. newW stream: stream. newW ]. w@(XML Writer traits) attribute: name value: value [| s | s: w stream. s nextPut: $\s. s ; name print ; '="'. w pcData: value. s nextPut: $". w ]. w@(XML Writer traits) cdata: string [| s | s: w stream. s ; ''. w ]. w@(XML Writer traits) pcData: c [ w stream ; (XML Translation at: c ifAbsent: [c as: String]). w ]. w@(XML Writer traits) comment: string [| s | s: w stream. s ; '<-- '. s ; string. s ; ' -->'. w ]. pi@(XML ProcessingInstruction traits) printXMLOn: w@(XML Writer traits) [| s | s: writer stream. s ; ''. w ]. w@(XML Writer traits) pushTag: name [ w stack push: name ]. w@(XML Writer traits) popTag: name [| top | top: (w stack isEmpty ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [w stack last]). top = name ifTrue: [w stack pop] ifFalse: [w error: 'Closing tag ' ; name ; ' doesnt match ' ; top] ]. w@(XML Writer traits) startTag: name [| s | s: w stream. s nextPut: $<. s ; name. "w canonical ifTrue: [s ; ' ']." w pushTag: name ]. w@(XML Writer traits) endTag [ w stream nextPut: $>. w ]. w@(XML Writer traits) endTag: name [ w popTag: name. w stream ; '. w ]. w@(XML Writer traits) endEmptyTag: name [ w popTag: name. w stream ; '/>'. w canonical ifFalse: [w stream nextPut: $\s]. w ]. w@(XML Writer traits) startElement: name attributes: attribs [ w canonical ifFalse: [w stream nextPut: $\r]. w startTag: name. (attribs keySet as: SortedArray) do: [| :key | w attribute: key value: (attribs at: key)]. w ]. w@(XML Writer traits) xmlDeclaration: versionString [ w canonical ifFalse: [ w stream ; '']. w ].