requires: {#PolyLine}. provides: {#Pen}. Graphics addPrototype: #Pen derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. "A Pen is a convex polygon" Pen addSlot: #path valued: PolyLine copy. Pen addSlot: #angles valued: Array newEmpty. Pen addSlot: #active valued: 0. p@(Pen traits) activeVertex "Return the active vertex as a Point" [(p path segments at: p active) start]. p@(Pen traits) opposingVertex "Return the vertex opposite the active vertex" [|size v| size: p path segments size. v: (p path segments at: (p active + (size / 2) mod: size)). v start ]. p@(Pen traits) nextVertex "Step anticlockwise around pen vertices" [p active: ((p active + 1) mod: p path segments size)]. p@(Pen traits) previousVertex "Step clockwise around pen vertices" [p active: ((p active - 1) mod: p path segments size)]. "PenStroke holds the parts of a stroked PolyLine" Graphics addPrototype: #PenStroke derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. "These are the edged traced out by the pen" PenStroke addSlot: #firstEdge. "Righthand edge" PenStroke addSlot: #secondEdge. "Lefthand edge" PenStroke addSlot: #pen. "The pen used to stroke this path" ps@(PenStroke traits) copy [|newPS| newPS: resend. newPS firstEdge: ps firstEdge copy. newPS secondEdge: ps secondEdge copy. newPS pen: ps pen copy. newPS ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) newFrom: firstP@(PolyLine traits) and: secondP@(PolyLine traits) withPen: pen@(Pen traits) "Create a PenStroke from two PolyLines" [|newPS| newPS: ps copy. newPS firstEdge: firstP. newPS secondEdge: secondP. newPS pen: pen. newPS ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) startPoints [|t| t: (Tuple newSize: 2). t first: ps firstEdge segments first start. t second: ps secondEdge segments last end. t ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) endPoints [|t| t: (Tuple newSize: 2). t first: ps firstEdge segments last end. t second: ps secondEdge segments first start. t ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) startWidth [ps firstEdge segments first start distanceTo: ps secondEdge segments last end]. ps@(PenStroke traits) endWidth [ps firstEdge segments last end distanceTo: ps secondEdge segments first start]. ps@(PenStroke traits) startAngle [ps firstEdge segments first angle]. ps@(PenStroke traits) endAngle [ps firstEdge segments last angle]. Graphics ensureNamespace: #Caps. Graphics ensureNamespace: #Joins. Graphics Caps addPrototype: #Pen derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. Graphics Caps addPrototype: #Butt derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. Graphics Caps addPrototype: #Projecting derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. Graphics Joins addPrototype: #Mitre derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. "According to the Quartz documents, mitres should be replaced by bevels if the angle between the lines is less than 11 degrees" Graphics Joins addPrototype: #Pen derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. Graphics Joins addPrototype: #Bevel derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. ps@(PenStroke traits) capStartWithStyle: s@(Graphics Caps Butt traits) "Return a PenStroke which has the starting end with a butt cap." [|newPS line p| newPS: ps copy. p: ps startPoints. line: (LineSegment newFrom: p second to: p first). newPS secondEdge segments add: line. newPS ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) capStartWithStyle: s@(Graphics Caps Pen traits) "Cut the pen in half and use it as the cap" [|pen newPS start end seg pl| seg: ExtensibleArray newEmpty. pen: ps pen. pen setInitialVertexFor: ps secondEdge last. start: pen activeVertex. end: pen opposingVertex. start < end ifTrue: [pen path collect: [|:each| seg add: each] from: start to: end] ifFalse: [pen path collect: [|:each| seg add: each] from: end to: path size. pen path collect: [|:each| seg add: each] from: 0 to: start]. newPS: (ps newFrom: ps firstEdge and: (ps secondEdge add: seg)). newPS ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) capStartWithStyle: s@(Graphics Caps Projecting traits) "Add a square cap of half the lines width" [|l p a newPS pl v1 v2| p: ps startPoints. l: ps width. a: ps startAngle. v1: (((l / 2) * (a + 180 degreesToRadians) cos + p second x), ((l / 2) * (a + 180 degreesToRadians) sin + p second y)). v2: ((l * (a + 270 degreesToRadians) cos + v1 x), (l * (a + 270 degreesToRadians) sin + v1 y)). pl: (PolyLine newFromArray: {p second. v1. v2. p first}). newPS: (ps newFrom: ps firstEdge and: (ps secondEdge add: pl)). newPS ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) capEndWithStyle: s@(Graphics Caps Butt traits) "Return a PenStroke which has the end capped with a butt." [|newPS line p| newPS: ps copy. p: ps endPoints. line: (LineSegment newFrom: p first to: p second). newPS firstEdge segments add: line. newPS ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) capEndWithStyle: s@(Graphics Caps Pen traits) "Cut the pen in half and use it as the cap" [|pen newPS start end seg pl| seg: ExtensibleArray newEmpty. pen: ps pen. pen setInitialVertexFor: ps firstEdge first. start: pen activeVertex. end: pen opposingVertex. start < end ifTrue: [pen path collect: [|:each| seg add: each] from: start to: end] ifFalse: [pen path collect: [|:each| seg add: each] from: end to: path size. pen path collect: [|:each| seg add: each] from: 0 to: start]. newPS: (ps newFrom: (ps firstEdge add: seg) and: ps secondEdge). newPS ]. ps@(PenStroke traits) capEndWithStyle: s@(Graphics Caps Projecting traits) "Add a square cap of half the lines width" [|l p a newPS pl v1 v2| p: ps endPoints. l: ps width. a: ps endAngle. v1: (l / 2 * a cos + p first x), (l / 2 * a sin + p first y). v2: (l * (a + 90 degreesToRadians) cos + v1 x), (l * (a + 90 degreesToRadians) sin + v1 y). pl: (PolyLine newFromArray: {p first. v1. v2. p second}). newPS: (ps newFrom: (ps firstEdge add: pl) and: ps secondEdge). newPS ]. p1@(PenStroke traits) joinStartToEndOf: p2@(PenStroke traits) withJoinStyle: j@(Joins traits) "Returns a PenStroke which is p1 and p2 joined together" [j splice: p1 to: p2]. j@(Graphics Joins Mitre traits) splice: p2@(PenStroke traits) to: p1@(PenStroke traits) "Adds p2 to the end of p1 and return a new PenStroke" [|newPS s1 s2| newPS: PenStroke copy. s2: p2 startPoints at: 0 ]. pen@(Pen traits) entryAngle [pen angles at: (pen active - 1 mod: pen angles size)]. pen@(Pen traits) exitAngle [pen angles at: pen active]. p@(Pen traits) setInitialVertexFor: ls@(LineSegment traits) [ [ls angleBetween: p entryAngle and: pen exitAngle] whileFalse: [p turnTowards: ls]. ]. p@(Pen traits) turnTowards: ls [|angle| angle: ls angle. (angle - p entryAngle) abs < (angle - p exitAngle) abs ifTrue: [p previousVertex] ifFalse: [p nextVertex] ]. ls@(LineSegment traits) convolveWithPen: pen@(Pen traits) "Strokes a LineSegment with a Pen" [|newPS newP1 newP2| newP1: (Array newSize: 2). newP2: (Array newSize: 2). pen setInitialVertexFor: ls. newP1 at: 0 put: ls start + pen activeVertex. newP2 at: 0 put: ls start + pen opposingVertex. newP1 at: 1 put: ls end + pen activeVertex. newP2 at: 1 put: ls end + pen opposingVertex. "TODO: Fix this ickyness" newPS: (PenStroke newFrom: ((newP1 as: Path) as: PolyLine) and: ((newP2 reversed as: Path) as: PolyLine) withPen: pen). newPS ]. p@(Pen traits) copy [| newP | newP: resend. newP path: p path copy. newP angles: p angles copy. newP ]. p@(Pen traits) newWidth: width flatness: flatness "Returns a Pen which is within flatness of a circle" [|newP| newP: Pen copy. newP path: ((Polygon newForWidth: width flatness: flatness) as: PolyLine). newP angles: (newP path segments collect: [|:each| each angle]). newP ]. ls@(LineSegment traits) strokeWithPen: pen@(Pen traits) flatness: _ [ls convolveWithPen: pen]. pl@(PolyLine traits) convolveWithPen: pen@(Pen traits) "Strokes pl with a pen" "See 'A Realistic 2D Drawing System' at" "TODO: Use an iterator instead so that objects are not *required* to have a #segments slot containing LineSegments." [|newPS newP1 newP2 v index| newP1: ExtensibleArray newEmpty. newP2: ExtensibleArray newEmpty. pen setInitialVertexFor: pl segments first. v: pl segments first. index: 0. [v = pl segments last] whileFalse: [ newP1 add: v start + pen activeVertex. newP2 add: v start + pen opposingVertex. (v angleBetween: pen entryAngle and: pen exitAngle) ifTrue: [index: index + 1. v: (pl segments at: index)] ifFalse: [pen turnTowards: v]]. newP1 add: pl segments last end + pen activeVertex. newP2 add: pl segments last end + pen opposingVertex. "TODO: Fix this ickyness" newPS: (PenStroke newFrom: ((newP1 as: Path) as: PolyLine) and: ((newP2 reversed as: Path) as: PolyLine) withPen: pen). newPS ].