requires: {#ExtensibleArray. #SortedArray}. provides: {#Heap}. collections addPrototype: #Heap derivedFrom: {SortedArray}. "A heap is a SortedArray of items. It is more efficient than a standard SortedArray if elements are only removed at the beginning, and elements are added in arbitrary sort order." Heap sortBlock: [| :a :b | a < b]. "The block used for comparing items for sorting." h@(Heap traits) push: obj [ h add: obj. h ]. h@(Heap traits) pop [ h removeAt: h lastIndex ]. h@(Heap traits) at: _ put: _ [shouldNotImplement]. h@(Heap traits) sorts: a before: b [ h sortBlock applyWith: a with: b ]. h@(Heap traits) reSort [ h isEmpty ifTrue: [^ h]. h firstIndex + h size // 2 above: 0 do: [| :index | h checkDownFrom: index]. h ]. h@(Heap traits) add: obj [ h isFull ifTrue: [h grow]. h contents at: (h lastIndex: h lastIndex + 1) put: obj. h checkUpFrom: h lastIndex. obj ]. h@(Heap traits) removeAt: index "Remove the element at the given index and ensure the sorting order is okay." [| removed | removed: (h contents at: index). h contents at: index put: (h contents at: h lastIndex). h contents at: h lastIndex put: Nil. h lastIndex: h lastIndex - 1. index > h lastIndex ifFalse: [h checkDownSingle: index]. removed ]. h@(Heap traits) removeFirst [h removeAt: 0]. h@(Heap traits) remove: obj ifAbsent: block "Removes the first object matching the given one." [ h isEmpty ifTrue: [^ block do]. h firstIndex to: h lastIndex do: [| :index | (h contents at: index) = obj ifTrue: [^ h removeAt: index]]. block do ]. h@(Heap traits) = ss "Re-use the exact same method as SortedArray." [ resend ]. h@(Heap traits) as: ss@(SortedArray traits) [| newSS | newSS: (ss newSizeOf: h). newSS sortBlock: h sortBlock. newSS addAll: h. newSS ]. h@(Heap traits) sort [ h as: SortedArray ]. h@(Heap traits) checkDownFrom: index "Check the heap downwards for correctness starting at the given index. Everything above (i.e. left of) the index is ok." [| value k n j | index <= h firstIndex ifTrue: [^ h]. n: (h lastIndex // 2). k: index. value: (h contents at: index). [k <= n] whileTrue: [j: k + k. "use max(j,j+1)" (j < h lastIndex and: [h sorts: (h contents at: j+1) before: (h contents at: j)]) ifTrue: [j: j + 1]. "check if position k is ok" (h sorts: value before: (h contents at: j)) ifTrue: [n: k - 1] "break loop" ifFalse: ["make room at j by moving j-th element to k-th slot" h contents at: k put: (h contents at: j). "and try again with j" k: j]]. h contents at: k put: value ]. h@(Heap traits) checkDownSingle: index "This is checkDownFrom: optimized for the case when only one element can be at a wrong position. It avoids one comparison at each node when travelling down the heap and checks the heap upwards after the element is at a bottom position. Since the probability for being at the bottom of the heap is much larger than for being somewhere in the middle this version should be faster." [| value k n j | index <= h firstIndex ifTrue: [^ h]. n: (h lastIndex // 2). k: index. value: (h contents at: index). [k <= n] whileTrue: [j: k + k. "use max(j,j+1)" (j < h lastIndex and: [h sorts: (h contents at: j+1) before: (h contents at: j)]) ifTrue: [j: j + 1]. h contents at: k put: (h contents at: j). "and try again with j" k: j]. h contents at: k put: value. h checkUpFrom: k ]. h@(Heap traits) checkUpFrom: index "Check the heap upwards for correctness starting at the given index. Everything below the index is ok." [| value k kDiv2 tmp | index <= h firstIndex ifTrue: [^ h]. k: index. value: (h contents at: index). [k > 1 and: [h sorts: value before: (tmp: (h contents at: (kDiv2: k // 2)))]] whileTrue: [array at: k put: tmp. k: kDiv2]. array at: k put: value ].