*** immediate values, bits 4..7 if value = 15 add next byte & 0x&F to value while next byte & 0x80 *** opcodes, bits 0..3 0 - message invocation argument count - bits 4..7 pop selector or block and arguments from stack save return instruction pointer in stack frame if selector or block is a selector dispatch selector on arguments to find block establish frame for block and execute it push result on stack 1 - load variable variable index - bits 4..7 push variable on stack 2 - store variable variable index - bits 4..7 store top of stack in variable 3 - load free variable lexical offset - bits 4..7 free variable index - next byte push free variable at -offset on stack 4 - store free variable lexical offset - bits 4..7 free variable index - next byte store top of stack in free variable at -offset 5 - load literal literal index - bits 4..7 push literal on stack 6 - load selector selector index - bits 4..7 push selector on stack 7 - pop pop count - bits 4..7 pop count values from the stack 8 - push array array size - bits 4..7 pop size arguments from stack allocate array of size and fill array with arguments push array on stack 9 - new block literal block index - bits 4..7 push literal block on stack setup literal block's lexical window A - branch keyed literal table index - bits 4..7 pop top of stack find displacement associated with top of stack in literal table add displacement to code pointer table is an array of the form { key. displacement. ... } B - message invocation with optionals argument count - bits 4..7 pop selector or block, optional keyword array, and arguments from stack save return instruction pointer in stack frame if selector or block is a selector dispatch selector on arguments to find block establish frame for block and execute it push result on stack C - non-local return lexical offset - bits 4..7 pop value off stack return from the block at the lexical offset push value back on stack D - push integer integer - bits 4..7 push integer on stack E - unused F - extension extended opcode - bits 4..7 0 - jump displacement (16 bit, signed) follows byte code add displacement to instruction pointer 1 - branch if true displacement (16 bit, signed) follows byte code pop top of stack if top of stack was true add displacement to instruction pointer 2 - branch if false displacement (16 bit, signed) follows byte code pop top of stack if top of stack was false add displacement to instruction pointer 3 - push environment push environment on stack 4 - resend resend message invocation and push result on stack 5 - push nil push nil on stack 6 - == pop top of stack pop top of stack push true or false on stack indicating if stack tops were == 7 - push true push true on stack 8 - push false push false on stack *** stack format stack is an object array stack grows upwards lexical context 0: method or block 1: frame pointer or nil 2: variable 0 2+N-1: variable N-1 frame -N: return instruction pointer (fixed integer) -N+1: variable 0 -1: variable N-1 0: previous frame pointer (fixed integer) 1: currently executing block or method 2: lexical context or nil ... input variables precede local variables in stack frame establishment overwrite selector with return instruction pointer on stack allocate space for variables on stack put current stack pointer in frame pointer push previous frame pointer on stack push block or method on stack if block needs free variables allocated allocate lexical context and push on stack otherwise push nil on stack de-establishment if lexical context is not nil set frame pointer in lexical context to nil temporarily save top of stack as result value set stack pointer to frame pointer set frame pointer to previous frame pointer pop return instruction pointer from stack into instruction pointer push result value on stack *** block format 0: input variable count (fixed integer) 1: local variable count (fixed integer) 2: free variable count (fixed integer) 3: top level environment (namespace) 4: lexical window (array of free variable arrays or nil) 5: literal array (array of literals or nil) 6: selector array (array of symbols or nil) 7: code array (byte array of instructions) 8: syntax tree (syntax node or nil) *** method format (inherits fields from block format) 0: selector (symbol)