collections addPrototype: #LookupKey derivedFrom: {Magnitude}. LookupKey addSlot: #key. x@(LookupKey traits) < y@(LookupKey traits) [ x key < y key ]. x@(LookupKey traits) = y@(LookupKey traits) [ x key = y key ]. x@(LookupKey traits) hash [ x key hash ]. collections addPrototype: #Association derivedFrom: {LookupKey}. Association addSlot: #value. x@(Root traits) -> y [ Association clone key: x value: y ]. x@(Association traits) key: key value: obj [ x key: key. x value: obj. x ]. prototypes ensureDelegatedNamespace: #mappings. mappings addPrototype: #Mapping derivedFrom: {Cloneable}. "Mappings provide the abstract protocols for all collections that provide keyed storage, e.g. #at: and #at:put:." _@(Mapping traits) acceptsKey: _@(Root traits) "This method is defined whenever indices are explicit in the mapping's interface, and meaningless otherwise." [ True ]. _@(Mapping traits) acceptsKey: _@Nil "This method is defined whenever indices are explicit in the mapping's interface, and meaningless otherwise. Nil is generally a useless key." [ False ]. m@(Mapping traits) accepts: assoc "This tests what add: will accept or not accept, as opposed to values or keys arbitrarily." [ d acceptsKey: assoc key ]. m@(Mapping traits) at: key ifAbsent: block "The fundamental method to override for accessing; answer the value for the given key or the result of a block if the key is not present." [ overrideThis ]. m@(Mapping traits) at: key "Answer the value stored for the given key. If it's not present, raise an error." [ m at: key ifAbsent: [key keyNotFoundOn: m] ]. m@(Mapping traits) at: key ifAbsentPut: block "Answer the value stored for the given key, or if there is none, store and answer the result of a block for the key. Override this for efficiency concerns." [ m at: key ifAbsent: [m at: key put: block do] ]. m@(Mapping traits) at: key ifPresent: block "Answer the result of applying the block to the value stored with the given key, or Nil if there is none." [ block applyWith: (m at: key ifAbsent: [^ Nil]) ]. m@(Mapping traits) at: key put: obj "Store an object for the given key; the fundamental mutation for a Mapping." [ overrideThis ]. m@(Mapping traits) removeKey: key ifAbsent: block "Remove the definition of the key and its value from the Mapping, and answer the object that was stored there, or answer the result of the block if there was no such definition." [ overrideThis ]. m@(Mapping traits) removeKey: key "Remove the key and its value from the Mapping, or answer Nil if the key was not present." [ m removeKey: key ifAbsent: [] ]. m@(Mapping traits) keyAtValue: obj ifAbsent: block "Answer a key at which the given object is stored, or the result of the block if the object is not stored for any key." [ overrideThis ]. m@(Mapping traits) keyAtValue: obj "Answer a key at which the given object is stored, or Nil if the object was not stored for any key." [ m keyAtValue: obj ifAbsent: [Nil] ]. m@(Mapping traits) keysAndValuesDo: block "Apply a two-argument block to each pair of key and value that the Mapping consists of." [ overrideThis ]. m@(Mapping traits) keysDo: block "Apply a single-argument block to each key in the mapping." "This is the default safe method which should be overridden in each implementation for efficiency." [ m keysAndValuesDo: [| :key :value | block applyWith: key] ]. m@(Mapping traits) valuesDo: block "Apply a single-argument block to each keyed value in the mapping." "This is the default safe method which should be overridden in each implementation for efficiency." [ m keysAndValuesDo: [| :key :value | block applyWith: value] ]. m@(Mapping traits) infect: block "Applies the block to each element, replacing its argument in-place within the Mapping." [ m keysAndValuesDo: [| :key :value | m at: key put: (block applyWith: (m at: key))]. m ]. m@(Mapping traits) perfect: block "Applies the block to each element, replacing its argument in-place within the Mapping, until the values stop changing (called a fixed-point). Idea envisioned by Travis Griggs." [| perfected newValue | perfected: (m copy infect: [| :_ | False]). "Perfected records whether each element has reached a fixed point." [m keysAndValuesDo: [| :key :value | (perfected at: key) ifFalse: [newValue: (block applyWith: (m at: key)). m at: key put: newValue. perfected at: key put: (value = newValue)]]. perfected allSatisfy: [| :each | each]] whileFalse. m ]. d@(Mapping traits) atSatisfying: block "Answer the value at stored at the first key found which the block returns True for, or Nil if none is found." [ d keysAndValuesDo: [| :key :value | (block applyWith: key) ifTrue: [^ value]]. ]. mappings addSlot: #EmptyMapping valued: Mapping clone. "The Mapping that doesn't point to anything." _@EmptyMapping size [0]. _@EmptyMapping capacity [0]. _@EmptyMapping do: _ []. _@EmptyMapping keysAndValuesDo: _ []. _@EmptyMapping at: _ []. _@EmptyMapping at: _ put: _ []. _@EmptyMapping at: _ ifAbsent: block [block do]. _@EmptyMapping at: _ ifPresent: _ []. _@(Mapping traits) newEmpty [EmptyMapping]. mappings addPrototype: #MapComposition derivedFrom: {Mapping}. "Represents a composition of Mappings." MapComposition addSlot: #base valued: Mapping newEmpty. "The Mapping treated as a basis." MapComposition addSlot: #diff. "valued: Dictionary newEmpty." "The change being composed over the basis. This Mapping's values have priority over the basis." m1@(Mapping traits) composeWith: m2@(Mapping traits) "Creates a new MapComposition." "Since Sequences are Mappings, we cannot re-use ; for mapping-composition without some confusion." [| result | result: MapComposition clone. result base: m1. result diff: m2. result ]. m@(MapComposition traits) at: index ifAbsent: block [ m diff at: index ifAbsent: [m base at: index ifAbsent: block] ]. m@(MapComposition traits) at: index put: obj "TODO: This should instead conditionalize on whether the components are mutable." [ (m diff acceptsKey: index) ifTrue: [m diff at: index put: obj] ifFalse: [m basis at: index put: obj] ]. m@(MapComposition traits) keyAtValue: obj ifAbsent: block [ m diff keyAtValue: obj ifAbsent: [m basis keyAtValue: obj ifAbsent: block] ]. m@(MapComposition traits) acceptsKey: key [ (m diff acceptsKey: key) or: [m basis acceptsKey: key] ]. m@(MapComposition traits) keysAndValuesDo: block [ m diff keysAndValuesDo: block. m basis keysAndValuesDo: block. m ]. m@(MapComposition traits) keysDo: block [ m diff keysDo: block. m basis keysDo: block. m ]. m@(MapComposition traits) valuesDo: block [ m diff valuesDo: block. m basis valuesDo: block. m ]. m@(MapComposition traits) size [ m diff size + m basis size ]. m@(MapComposition traits) capacity [ m diff capacity + m basis capacity ]. mappings addPrototype: #SingleValueMap derivedFrom: {Mapping}. "Maps a set of keys to a single value. This in combination with MapComposition helps to represent sparse Mappings." SingleValueMap addSlot: #keys valued: Set newEmpty. "The set of keys mapped. This could be a Set or a Range (for sparse Sequences) Generally, it simply has to be a NoDuplicatesCollection." SingleValueMap addSlot: #value. "The single value used." m@(SingleValueMap traits) newFromAll: c to: obj "Creates a new SingleValueMap using the collection as keys to access the given object." [| result | result: m clone. result keys: c. result value: obj. result ]. m@(SingleValueMap traits) at: key ifAbsent: block [ (m keys includes: key) ifTrue: [m value] ifFalse: [block do] ]. m@(SingleValueMap traits) at: key put: obj [ obj = m value ifTrue: [keys include: key] ifFalse: [error: 'This Mapping cannot store that object.'] ]. m@(SingleValueMap traits) keysAndValuesDo: block [ m keys do: [| :key | block applyWith: key with: m value] ]. m@(SingleValueMap traits) keyAtValue: obj ifAbsent: block [ obj = m value ifTrue: [keys atRandom] ifFalse: [block do] ]. m@(SingleValueMap traits) keyAtIdentityValue: obj ifAbsent: block [ obj == m value ifTrue: [keys atRandom] ifFalse: [block do] ].