"A basic linear algebra system." prototypes addSlot: #AbstractMatrix valued: Cloneable derive. AbstractMatrix addSlot: #elementType valued: Float. "Could be Number or Integer. This helps when the type has its own Array parametrization." AbstractMatrix addSlot: #height. AbstractMatrix addSlot: #width. "This defines the basic characteristics of 2D-matrices, without an implementation. Rows and columns are addressed from 0 to below the dimension of the matrix." mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) initializeElements "Override this for concrete implementations." [mat]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newFromArrayOfArrays: array [ (mat newRows: array size columns: array first size) fillWithArrayOfArrays: array ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newColumnVectorSize: n "Column vectors are just matrices of width 1." [ mat newRows: n columns: 1 ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newRowVectorSize: n "Row vectors are just matrices of height 1." [ mat newRows: 1 columns: n ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newVectorSize: n "New vectors are by default columns." [ mat newColumnVectorSize: n ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newIdentitySize: n [ mat newIdentityType: mat elementType size: n ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newIdentityType: type size: n [ (mat newType: mat elementType rows: n columns: n) fillDiagonalWithIdentity ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newRows: rows columns: columns [ mat newType: type rows: rows columns: columns ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newType: type rows: height columns: width [| result | result: mat clone. mat elementType: type. mat height: height. mat width: width. mat initializeElements ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) newType: type size: p@(Point traits) [| result | result: mat clone. mat elementType: type. mat height: p y. mat width: p x. mat initializeElements ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) at: col putColumn: vector "Replaces the contents of the column with a 1xN matrix." [ 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | mat atRow: row column: col put: (vector atRow: row column: 0)] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) at: row putRow: vector "Replaces the contents of the row with a Nx1 matrix." [ 0 below: mat height do: [| :col | mat atRow: row column: col put: (vector atRow: 0 column: col)] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) columnAt: col "Returns a 1xN matrix for the column slice." [| slice | slice: (Matrix newRows: mat height columns: 1). 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | slice atRow: row column: 0 put: (mat atRow: row column: col)]. slice ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) rowAt: row "Returns a Nx1 matrix for the row slice." [| slice | slice: (Matrix newRows: 1 columns: mat width). 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | slice atRow: 0 column: col put: (mat atRow: row column: col)]. slice ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) diagonal "Returns a new 1xN matrix with the diagonal values." [| diag | diag: (Matrix newVectorSize: mat height). 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | diag atRow: row column: 0 put: (mat atRow: row column: row)]. diag ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) isSquare "Square matrices have the same size dimensions." [ mat height = mat width ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) squareCheck [ mat isSquare ifFalse: [error: 'Only applicable to square matrices.'] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) subMatrixTopLeft: origin bottomRight: corner "Create a new matrix representing a rectangular slice from the middle." [| slice | slice: (Matrix newRows: corner y - origin y + 1 columns: corner x - origin x + 1). 0 below: slice height do: [| :row | 0 below: slice width do: [| col | slice atRow: row column: col put: (mat atRow: row + origin y - 1 column: col + origin x - 1)]]. slice ]. a@(AbstractMatrix traits) isSameSizeAs: b@(AbstractMatrix traits) [ a height = b height and: [a width = b width] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillWith: a multipliedBy: b [| elem | 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | elem: 0. 0 below: a width do: [| :aCol | elem: elem + ((a atRow: row column: aCol) * (b atRow: aCol column: col))]. mat atRow: row column: col put: elem]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillWith: a addedTo: b [ 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | mat atRow: a column: b put: (a atRow: row column: col) + (b atRow: row column: col)]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillWith: a minus: b [ 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | mat atRow: a column: b put: (a atRow: row column: col) - (b atRow: row column: col)]]. mat ]. a@(AbstractMatrix traits) * b@(AbstractMatrix traits) [| result | a width = b height ifFalse: [error: 'Matrix sizes do not match.']. result: (Matrix newRows: a height columns: b width). result fillWith: a multipliedBy: b ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) * x@(Magnitude traits) [ mat copy replaceValues: [| :each | each * x] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) / x@(Magnitude traits) [ mat copy replaceValues: [| :each | each / x] ]. x@(Magnitude traits) * mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) [ mat copy replaceValues: [| :each | each * x] ]. a@(AbstractMatrix traits) + b@(AbstractMatrix traits) [| result | (a isSameSizeAs: b) ifFalse: [error: 'Matrix sizes do not match.']. result: (Matrix newSizeOf: a). result fillWith: a addedTo: b ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) + x@(Magnitude traits) [ mat copy replaceValues: [| :each | each + x] ]. x@(Magnitude traits) + mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) [ mat copy replaceValues: [| :each | each + x] ]. a@(AbstractMatrix traits) - b@(AbstractMatrix traits) [| result | (a isSameSizeAs: b) ifFalse: [error: 'Matrix sizes do not match.']. result: (Matrix newSizeOf: a). result fillWith: a minus: b ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) - x@(Magnitude traits) [ mat copy replaceValues: [| :each | each - x] ]. x@(Magnitude traits) - mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) [ mat copy replaceValues: [| :each | x - each] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) eigenvaluesByQR "This only works if all the eigenvalues are real." [| h q r iter | h: mat hessembergSuperior. q: (Matrix newSizeOf: mat). r: (Matrix newSizeOf: mat). iter: 0. [h isFirstSubDiagonalZero] whileFalse: [ h storeQRDecompositionOfHessemberSuperiorOnQ: q r: r. h fillWith: r multipliedBy: q. iter: iter + 1. iter > 1000 ifTrue: [error: 'Could not find real eigenvalues.']]. h diagonal ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) hessembergSuperior "Answers a new matrix that is the Hessember Superior transform of the receiver. A Hessember Superior matrix has zero entries below the first subdiagonal. The new matrix has the same eigenvalues as the receiver." [| result u | mat squareCheck. result: mat copy. u: (Matrix newSizeOf: mat). 0 below: mat width - 2 do: [| :col | (result storeHouseholderTransformOn: u column: col forQR: False) ifTrue: [result: u * result * u]]. result ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) maxEigenvalueAndEigenVectorByPowerMethod [| eigenvectorApprox prevApprox swap eigenvalueApprox | mat squareCheck. eigenvectorApprox: (Matrix newColumnVectorSize: mat width). prevApprox: (Matrix newColumnVectorSize: mat width). 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | eigenvectorApprox atRow: col column: 0 put: 1]. [(eigenvectorApprox - prevApprox) norm2Squared > 0.001] whileTrue: [ swap: prevApprox. prevApprox: eigenvectorApprox. eigenvectorApprox: swap. eigenvectorApprox fillWith: mat multipliedBy: prevApprox. eigenvalueApprox: eigenvectorApprox norm2Squared sqrt. eigenvectorApprox replaceValues: [| :each | each / eigenvalueApprox]]. {eigenvalueApprox. eigenvectorApprox} ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) preMultiplyByGivensRotationRowI: i rowK: k titaCosine: c titaSine: s "Modify the receiver, doing a premultiplication by a Givens rotation of angle tita, affecting rows i and k." [| elemI elemK | 0 below: mat width do: [| :j | elemI: (mat atRow: i column: j). elemK: (mat atRow: k column: j). mat atRow: i column: j put: c * elemI - (s * elemK). mat atRow: k column: j put: s * elemI + (c * elemK) ]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) storeHouseholderTransformOn: aMatrix column: j forQR: forQR "Modifies entries on aMatrix to make it the Householder transforms that puts zeroes at column i of the receiver. If forQR is false, the product of aMatrix * mat is Hessemberg superior, otherwise its a triangular matrix." [| x xNorm2Squared v vNorm2Squared element i | i: j - (forQR ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0]). x: (Matrix newVectorSize: mat height-i). xNorm2Squared: 0. 0 below: x height do: [| :ii | element: mat atRow: ii+i column: j. xNorm2Squared: xNorm2Squared + element squared. x atRow: ii column: 0 put: element]. v: x. "If column already has zeros, do nothing" xNorm2Squared = 0.0 ifTrue: [^ False]. "If column already has zeros, do nothing. If forQR = false, then the first element in x could not be zero, and anyway there's nothing to do." (forQR not and: [xNorm2Squared = (x atRow: 0 column: 0) squared]) ifTrue: [^ False]. v atRow: 0 column: 0 put: (v atRow: 0 column: 0) + xNorm2Squared sqrt. vNorm2Squared: v norm2Squared. 0 below: i do: [| :ii | aMatrix atRow: ii column: ii put: 1. ii below: aMatrix width do: [| :jj | aMatrix atRow: ii column: jj put: 0. aMatrix atRow: jj column: ii put: 0]]. 0 below: x height do: [| :ii | 0 below: x height do: [| :jj | aMatrix atRow: ii+i column: jj+i put: (ii == jj ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0]) - (2.0 / vNorm2Squared * (v atRow: ii column: 0) * (v atRow: jj column: 0))]]. True ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) storeQRDecompositionOfHessemberSuperiorOnQ: q r: r "Works only if the receiver is a Hessemberg superior matrix." [| elementAtJ elementBelowJ aux c s | q fillWithIdentity. r fillWith: mat. 0 below: mat width - 1 do: [| :j | elementAtJ: r atRow: j column: j. elementBelowJ: r atRow: j + 1 column: j. elementBelowJ = 0 ifFalse: [ aux: ((elementAtJ * elementAtJ) + (elementBelowJ*elementBelowJ)) sqrt. c: elementAtJ / aux. s: 0 - elementBelowJ / aux. r preMultiplyByGivensRotationRowI: j rowK: j + 1 titaCosine: c titaSine: s. q preMultiplyByGivensRotationRowI: j rowK: j + 1 titaCosine: c titaSine: s]]. q transpose. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillDiagonalWith: vector [ 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | mat atRow: col column: col put: (vector at: col)]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillDiagonalWithIdentity [| one | one: mat zero + 1. 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | mat atRow: col column: col put: one]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillWith: matrix [ 0 below: (mat height min: matrix height) do: [| :row | 0 below: (mat width min: matrix width) do: [| :col | mat atRow: row column: col put: (matrix atRow: row column: col)]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillWithArrayOfArrays: array [ 0 below: (mat height min: array size) do: [| :row | 0 below: (mat width min: array first size) do: [| :col | mat atRow: row column: col put: ((array at: row) at: col)]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillWithIdentity [ mat fillWithZero. mat fillDiagonalWithIdentity ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillWithIdentityTopAndBottomRows: n [| zero one heightPlusOne ii | zero: mat zero. one: zero + 1. heightPlusOne: height + 1. 0 below: n do: [| :i | ii: heightPlusOne - i. 0 below: width do: [| :j | mat atRow: i column: j put: zero. mat atRow: ii column: j put: zero]. mat atRow: i column: i put: one. mat atRow: ii column: ii put: one]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) fillWithZero [| zero | zero: mat zero. 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | mat atRow: row column: col put: zero]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) permuteRow: a withRow: b [| ax bx | a = b ifFalse: [ 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | ax: (mat atRow: a column: col). bx: (mat atRow: b column: col). mat atRow: a column: col put: bx. mat atRow: b column: col put: ax]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) rowWithMaxInColumn: j startingAtRow: jStart [| rowWithMax | rowWithMax: jStart. jStart below: mat height do: [| :i | (mat atRow: i column: j) abs > (mat atRow: rowWithMax column: j) abs ifTrue: [rowWithMax: i]]. rowWithMax ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) solveLinearSystem "Solves the linear system A*x=B where the matrix argument has the form |Ab|. The last column of the matrix has the independent term b. This modifies the argument." [| m n x epsilon | m: mat height. n: mat width. x: (Matrix newVectorSize: n - 1). "Check that enough equations are present." m < (n - 1) ifTrue: [error: 'The system does not have a single solution.']. epsilon: 1.0e-7. mat triangleWithPartialPivoting. "Performing some checks:" "If the only coefficient of the last equation is zero, we have infinite solutions." (((mat atRow: n - 2 column: n - 2) abs < epsilon) and: [(mat atRow: n - 2 column: n - 1) abs < epsilon]) ifTrue: [error: 'This system does not have a single solution.']. "If the only coefficient of the last equation is zero, but not the independent term, the system is incompatible." (mat atRow: n - 2 column: n - 2) abs < epsilon ifTrue: [error: 'This system is incompatible.']. "We have too many equations, and they did not go away. Incompatible system." (m > (n - 1) and: [(mat atRow: n - 1 column: n - 2) abs > epsilon]) ifTrue: [error: 'This system does is incompatible.']. "We have too many equations, and they left their independent terms." ((n - 1 to: m - 1) inject: True into: [| :previousValue :k | previousValue & ((mat atRow: k column: n) abs < epsilon)]) ifFalse: [error: 'This system does is incompatible.']. "Do backward substitution" n - 2 downTo: 0 do: [| :i | sum: mat atRow: i column: n. n - 2 downTo: i + 1 do: [| :k | sum: sum - ((mat atRow: i column: k) * (x atRow: k column: 0))]. x atRow: i column: 0 put: sum / (mat atRow: i column: i)]. x ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) triangleWithPartialPivoting "Triangle the matrix and answer the row permutation count." [| j jdelta rowK factor permCount | permCount: 0. jdelta: 0. 0 below: mat height - 1 do: [| :rowI | [j: rowI + jdelta. j < mat width ifFalse: [^ mat]. "Look for the pivot for j, from rowI down. Call it rowK." rowK: (mat rowWithMaxInColumn: j startingAtRow: rowI). ((mat atRow: k column: j) = 0) and: [j < self width]] whileTrue: [jdelta: jdelta + 1]. "Permute rowI and rowK." rowI = rowK ifFalse: [ mat permuteRow: rowI with: rowK. permCount: permCount + 1]. "Subtract rowI to all the ones below it." rowI + 1 below: mat height do: [| :ii | (mat atRow: ii column: j) = 0.0 ifFalse: [ factor: (mat atRow: ii column: j) / (mat atRow: rowI column: j). "Only after column j." mat atRow: ii column: j put: 0. mat subtractRow: rowI multipliedBy: factor to: ii startingAtColumn: j + 1]]]. permCount ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) determinant [| aux rowPermCount result | mat squareCheck. aux: mat copy. rowPermCount: mat triangleWithPartialPivoting. result: (-1 raisedTo: rowPermCount). 0 below mat width do: [| :i | result: result * (aux atRow: i column: i)]. result ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) inverse "Returns the inverse matrix." [| n bigMatrix result epsilon | mat squareCheck. n: mat height. result: (Matrix newRows: n columns: n). bigMatrix: (Matrix newRows: n columns: n * 2). bigMatrix fillWith: mat. 0 below: mat width do: [| :i | bigMatrix atRow: i column: n put: 1]. "We can safely do comparisons with this epsilon for assuring that an element is close to zero, because we first normalize the rows." bigMatrix normalizeRows. epsilon: 1.0e-7. bigMatrix triangleWithPartialPivoting. "If the only coefficient of the last equation is zero, but not the independent term, the system is incompatible." (bigMatrix atRow: n - 1 column: n - 1) abs < epsilon ifTrue: [error: 'This matrix does not have an inverse.']. "Go backwards to make the left half be the identity. On the right half, we'll have the inverse." n - 1 downTo: 0 do: [| :i | bigMatrix multiplyRightPartOfRow: i by: 1.0 / (bigMatrix atRow: i column: i). i - 2 downTo: 0 do: [| :ii | (bigMatrix atRow: ii column: i) = 0 ifFalse: [ bigMatrix substractRow: i multipliedBy: (bigMatrix atRow: ii column: i) to: ii startingAtColumn: ii]]]. "Take the result as a slice." 0 below: n do: [| :row | 0 below: n do: [| :col | result atRow: row column: col put: (bigMatrix atRow: row column: col + n)]]. result ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) inverse2 "Returns the inverse matrix." [| bigMatrix result | mat squareCheck. result: (Matrix newSizeOf: mat). bigMatrix: (Matrix newRows: mat height columns: mat width + 1). 0 below: mat width do: [| :i | bigMatrix fillWith: mat. 0 below: mat width do: [| :j | bigMatrix atRow: j column: mat width put: 0]. bigMatrix atRow: i column: mat width put: 1. result at: i putColumn: bigMatrix solveLinearSystem]. result ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) isFirstSubdiagonalZero "Answer true if the values of the first diagonal are small enough (when compared with the diagonal) to be considered zero." [| measure float1 float2 | (1 below: mat width) inject: True into: [| :prev :j | prev and: [ measure: (mat atRow: j column: j) * 100. measure = 0.0 ifTrue: [measure: mat diagonal max]. float1: (mat atRow: j column: j - 1) + measure. float2: measure. float1 = float2]] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) multiplyColumn: col by: factor [ 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | mat atRow: row column: col put: (mat atRow: row column: col) * factor] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) multiplyRightPartOfRow: row by: factor [ row below: mat width do: [| :col | mat atRow: row column: col put: (mat atRow: row column: col) * factor] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) multiplyRow: row by: factor [ 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | mat atRow: row column: col put: (mat atRow: row column: col) * factor] ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) norm2Squared [| result | (mat height > 1 and: [mat width > 1]) ifTrue: [error: 'Only implemented currently for vectors.']. result: 0.0. mat width = 1 ifTrue: [0 below: mat height do: [| :i | result: result + (mat atRow: i column: 0) squared]]. ifTrue: [0 below: mat width do: [| :i | result: result + (mat atRow: 0 column: i) squared]]. result ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) normalizeColumns "Divide each column by its 2-norm." [| normSquared norm | 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | normSquared: 0.0. 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | normSquared: normSquared + (mat atRow: row column: col) squared]. norm: normSquared sqrt. norm > 0 ifTrue: [mat multiplyColumn: col by: 1 / norm]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) normalizeRows "Divide each row by its 2-norm." [| normSquared norm | 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | normSquared: 0.0. 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | normSquared: normSquared + (mat atRow: row column: col) squared]. norm: normSquared sqrt. norm > 0 ifTrue: [mat multiplyColumn: col by: 1 / norm]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) orthogonalize "Make self an orthonormal matrix, by making columns be linear combinations of the original ones. Substract to each column its projection over all the other ones, except for column 1 that remains unchanged (except that it is normalized)" [ mat orthogonalizeModifGramSchmidtStartingAtColumn: 0 ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) orthogonalizeModifGramSchmidtStartingAtColumn: jc "Make self an orthonormal matrix, by making columns be linear combinations of the original ones. Substract to each column its projection over all the other ones, except for column jc that remains unchanged. Use a slightly modified of the Modified Gram-Schmidt method. Instead of starting at column 1, can start on any column. (this can be useful to adjust which columns should be less affected). The effect is the same as taking the columns 0..(jc-1), and moving them to the right of the matrix, placing first the jc-1 column, and last the 0 column; performing the regular Modified Gram-Schmidt method; and placing again each column where it belongs. If jc = 0, it's just the regular method. Besides, each column is normalized." [| columnK | jc below: mat width do: [ :k | "Normalize column k" columnK: (mat columnAt: k). columnK normalizeColumns. mat at: k putColumn: columnK. k + 1 below: mat width do: [ :j | "Substract to column j its projection over column k" mat at: j putColumn: (mat columnAt: j) - (columnK * (columnK transposed * (mat columnAt: j) atRow: 0 column: 0))]. " 0 below: jc do: [| :j |" jc - 1 downTo: 0 do: [| :j | "Substract to column j its projection over column k" mat at: j putColumn: (mat columnAt: j) - (columnK * (columnK transposed * (mat columnAt: j) atRow: 0 column: 0))]]. " 0 below: jc do: [| :k |" jc - 1 downTo: 0 do: [| :k | "Normalize column k" columnK: mat columnAt: k. columnK normalizeColumns. mat at: k putColumn: columnK. " k + 1 below: jc do: [| :j |" k - 1 downTo: 0 do: [| :j | "Substract to column j its projection over column k" mat at: j putColumn: (mat columnAt: j) - (columnK * (columnK transposed * (mat columnAt: j) atRow: 1 column: 1))]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) replaceValues: block "Replace the values of the matrix with the results of each block application on each of the original values." [ 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | mat atRow: row column: col put: (block value: mat atRow: row column: col)]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) transpose "Transpose the matrix in-place." [| aux | mat squareCheck. 0 below: mat width do: [| :ii | col + 1 below: mat width do: [| :jj | aux: (mat atRow: ii column: jj). mat atRow: ii column: jj put: (mat atRow: jj column: ii). mat atRow: jj column: ii put: aux]]. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) transposed "Returns the result of transposing the matrix." [| result | mat squareCheck. 0 below: mat width do: [| :ii | col + 1 below: mat width do: [| :jj | result atRow: ii column: jj put: (mat atRow: jj column: ii)]]. result ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) printOn: stream "Prints the contents in a series of lines, one per row, with vertical bars surrounding each line." [ 0 below: mat height do: [| :row | stream ; '| '. 0 below: mat width do: [| :col | ((self atRow: i column: j) roundTo: 0.01) printOn: stream. stream ; ' \t']. stream ; '|\n']. mat ]. mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) zero "Answer the zero element for the matrix's element type." [ mat elementType zero ]. prototypes addSlot: #Matrix valued: AbstractMatrix derive. Matrix addSlot: #elements. "A single array indexed by row and column." mat@(AbstractMatrix traits) initializeElements [ mat elements: (Array newSize: mat height * mat width). 0 below: mat size do: [| :each | mat elements at: each put: 0]. mat ]. mat@(Matrix traits) elementsIndexForRow: row column: col [ (col isNegative or: [row isNegative] or: [col > mat width or: [row > mat height]]) ifTrue: [error: 'Out of bounds.']. col * height + row ]. mat@(Matrix traits) atRow: row column: col [ mat elements at: (mat elementsIndexForRow: row column: col) ]. mat@(Matrix traits) atRow: row column: col put: x [ mat elements at: (mat elementsIndexForRow: row column: col) put: x ]. mat@(Matrix traits) max [ mat elements max ]. mat@(Matrix traits) replaceValues: block [ 0 below: mat elements size do: [| :each | mat elements at: each put: (block value: (mat elements at: i))]. mat ]. r@(Matrix traits) fillWith: a@(Matrix traits) multipliedBy: b@(Matrix traits) [| elem | 0 below: r height do: [| :rowR | 0 below: r width do: [| :colR | elem: 0. 0 below: a width do: [| :colA | elem: elem + ((a elements at: colA - 1 * a height + rowR) * (b elements at: colR - 1 * b height + colA))]. r elements at: j - 1 * r height + i put: elem]]. r ]. mat@(Matrix traits) substractRow: i multipliedBy: factor to: k startingAtColumn: jStart [| jLessOneTimesHeight | jStart below: width do: [| :j | jLessOneTimesHeight: j - 1 * height. elements at: jLessOneTimesHeight + k put: (elements at: jLessOneTimesHeight + k) - ((elements at: jLessOneTimesHeight + i) * factor)]. mat ]. mat@(Matrix traits) triangleWithPartialPivoting "Triangle mat, and answer the row permutation count." [| j jdelta k factor permutationCount jLessOneTimesHeight pivot | permutationCount: 0. jdelta: 0. 0 below: mat height - 1 do: [| :i | [j: i + jdelta. j <= mat width ifFalse: [^ mat]. "Look for the pivot for column j, from row i down. Call it row k" k: mat rowWithMaxInColumn: j startingAtRow: i. (mat atRow: k column: j) = 0 & (j < mat width)] whileTrue: [jdelta: jdelta + 1]. "Permute rows k and i" i = k ifFalse: [mat permuteRow: i withRow: k. permutationCount: permutationCount + 1]. "Substract the row i to all the ones below it" jLessOneTimesHeight: j - 1 * mat height. pivot: (mat elements at: jLessOneTimesHeight + i). i + 1 below: mat height do: [| :ii | (mat atRow: ii column: j) = 0.0 ifFalse: [factor: (mat elements at: jLessOneTimesHeight + ii) / pivot. "Only after column j" mat elements at: jLessOneTimesHeight + ii put: 0. mat substractRow: i multipliedBy: factor to: ii startingAtColumn: j + 1]]]. permutationCount ]. prototypes addSlot: #BandMatrix valued: AbstractMatrix derive. BandMatrix addSlot: #elements. BandMatrix addSlot: #bandWidth. "Band Matrices are square matrices whose elements are zero outside a band around the diagonal. So, only the band is stored." mat@(BandMatrix traits) newRowsAndColumns: n bandWidth: bw [ mat newType: mat elementType rowsAndColumns: n bandWidth: bw ]. mat@(BandMatrix traits) newType: type rowsAndColumns: n bandWidth: bw [| result | bw odd ifFalse: [error: 'The bandwidth must be odd.']. bw >= (2 * n) ifTrue: [error: 'The bandwidth can''t be that large.']. result: (mat newType: type rows: n columns: n). result bandwidth: bw. result initializeElements ]. mat@(BandMatrix traits) initializeElements [ mat bandwidth ifNil: [mat bandwidth: mat height * 2 - 1]. mat elements: (Array newSize: mat height * mat bandwidth). 0 below: mat elements size do: [| :each | mat elements at: each put: 0]. mat ]. mat@(BandMatrix traits) elementsIndexForRow: i column: j "Band matrices use this special representation. Answer Nil if outside the band. For reducing OS's virtual memory page faults when doing column operations on huge matrices, the elements of each column are stored together." [ (i between: 1 and: height) & (j between: 1 and: width) ifFalse: [error: 'Attempt to access outside bounds']. (j - i) abs * 2 < bandWidth ifTrue: [j - 1 * (bandWidth - 1) + i] ]. mat@(BandMatrix traits) atRow: row column: col [| pos | (pos: (mat elementsIndexForRow: row column: col)) ifNil: [mat zero] ifNotNil: [mat elements at: pos] ]. mat@(BandMatrix traits) atRow: row column: col ifInBandPut: x "This does nothing if attempting to store outside the band." [| pos | (pos: (mat elementsIndexForRow: row column: col)) ifNotNil: [mat elements at: pos put: x] ]. mat@(BandMatrix traits) atRow: row column: col put: x [| pos | (pos: (mat elementsIndexForRow: row column: col)) ifNil: [error: 'Cannot store outside the band.'] ifNotNil: [mat elements at: pos put: x] ]. a@(BandMatrix traits) * b@(BandMatrix traits) [| result | a height = b width ifFalse: [error: 'Matrix sizes do not match.']. result: (a newRowsAndColumns: a height bandWidth: (a bandWidth + b bandWidth - 1 min: 2 * a height - 1)). result fillWith: a multipliedBy: b ]. "TODO: Complete BandMatrix's arithmetic methods."