requires: {#LinkedCollection. #Association. #Mapping}. provides: {#BinaryTree. #BinarySearchTree}. "Influenced by which is Jeffery Walker's description of a sound object-oriented factoring and implementation of binary trees and binary search trees." collections addSlot: #BinaryTree valued: (LinkedCollection deriveWith: {Association. Mapping}). "A Tree with two children, for simplicity." BinaryTree addSlot: #treeParent. BinaryTree addSlot: #leftChild. BinaryTree addSlot: #rightChild. bt@(BinaryTree traits) clear "Reset all the slots." [ bt leftChild: Nil. bt rightChild: Nil. bt key: Nil. bt value: Nil. bt ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) newEmpty "Creates a new node and clears it." [ bt clone clear ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) newSize: _ "There's no way to pre-allocate trees for a certain size." [ bt newEmpty ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) isEmpty [ bt key isNil ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) rotateLeft [| parent child grandChild | parent: bt treeParent. child: bt rightChild. grandChild: child leftChild. child leftChild: bt. bt rightChild: grandChild. parent leftChild == bt ifTrue: [parent leftChild: child] ifFalse: [parent rightChild: child]. child treeParent: parent. bt treeParent: child. grandChild treeParent: bt. child ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) rotateRight [| parent child grandChild | parent: bt treeParent. child: bt leftChild. grandChild: child rightChild. child rightChild: bt. bt leftChild: grandChild. parent leftChild == bt ifTrue: [parent leftChild: child] ifFalse: [parent rightChild: child]. child treeParent: parent. bt treeParent: child. grandChild treeParent: bt. child ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) size "The number of nodes including the target node and its branches recursively." [| size | size: 1. bt leftChild ifNotNilDo: [| :c | size: size + c size]. bt rightChild ifNotNilDo: [| :c | size: size + c size]. size ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) isBalanced "Whether one subtree differs by more than 1 in size from the other's size." [ bt leftChild ifNil: [^ (bt rightChild ifNil: [True] ifNotNil: [bt rightChild size <= 1])]. bt rightChild ifNil: [^ (bt leftChild size <= 1)]. (bt leftChild size - bt rightChild size) abs <= 1 ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) at: key ifAbsent: block [| child | child: (bt scanFor: key) child key = key ifTrue: [child value] ifFalse: [block value] ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) at: key ifPresent: block [ block value: (bt at: key ifAbsent: [^ Nil]) ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) at: key put: value [| child | bt isEmpty ifTrue: [ bt key: key. bt value: value. ^ bt ]. child: (bt scanFor: key). child key = key ifTrue: [child value: value] ifFalse: [| newChild | newChild: child clone. newChild key: key. newChild treeParent: bt. newChild leftChild: Nil. newChild rightChild: Nil. key < child key ifTrue: [child leftChild: newChild] ifFalse: [child rightChild: newChild]. newChild value: value ] ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) scanFor: key "Recurse through the branches, comparing keys. This method will return a node. Whether the node is directly addressed by the key is exactly the same fact as whether the tree has that key at all." [ bt isEmpty ifTrue: [^ bt]. bt < bt key ifTrue: [bt leftChild ifNil: [bt] ifNotNil: [bt leftChild scanFor: key]] ifFalse: [ bt key < key ifTrue: [bt rightChild ifNil: [bt] ifNotNil: [bt rightChild scanFor: key]] ifFalse: [bt]] ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) do: block "Recurse through the left and right branches, and apply to the value slots." [ block value: bt value. "TODO: check for Nil?" bt leftChild ifNotNilDo: [| :c | c do: block]. bt rightChild ifNotNilDo: [| :c | c do: block]. bt ]. bt@(BinaryTree traits) keysAndValuesDo: block "Recurse through the left and right branches, and apply to both slots." [ block value: bt key value: bt value. bt leftChild ifNotNil: [bt leftChild keysAndValuesDo: block]. bt rightChild ifNotNil: [bt rightChild keysAndValuesDo: block]. bt ]. collections addSlot: #BinarySearchTree valued: (BinaryTree deriveWith: {NoDuplicatesCollection}). "This is a self-balancing binary tree, supporting Extensible protocols." bst@(BinarySearchTree traits) add: obj [ ]. bst@(BinarySearchTree traits) remove: obj [ ].