The overall TODO file, for broad plans on the Slate source: Core root.slate: is: is buggy, when entering the AllDelegatesDo: Collections Evaluate and make robust the entire hash protocol. Add a mixin for collection types that affect or depend on element state or identity. -- PARTLY DONE Refactor the system additionally according to the traits additions. Implement the whole commonly-known tree types and balancing. Streams Refactor Read/WriteStreams into Mixins. Graphics Tie in the forms system to some primitives based on an existing graphics library. Compiler Finish the bootstrap. Finish porting SmaCC as SlaCC. Optimizer Implement register allocator and scheduler along with the MR (machine representation). Implement generation of Bootstrap Modules (not self-contained) into IR modules (self-contained). Devise representation for image/heap objects in IR modules. ir.slate: Link undefined primitives.slate: generatePrimitive: #multipleValues and others lines with # MOP Support different slot types. Support open points at method-invocations, and aspect/perspective support. Support different methods of inheritance and implementation, to handle things like safety of composition of delegates, a la Smalltalk Traits effort. Hook it into the bootstrap for efficiency and compilation.