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2.1 Objects

OBJECTS are fundamental in Slate; everything in a running Slate system consists of objects. Slate objects consist of a number of slots and roles: slots are mappings from symbols to other objects, and roles are a means of organizing code that can act on the object. Slots themselves are accessed and updated by a kind of message-send which is not distinguishable from other message-sends syntactically, but have some important differences.

Objects in Slate are created by cloning existing objects, rather than instantiating a class. When an object is cloned, the created object has the same slots and values as the original one. The new object will also have the access and update methods for those slots carried over to the new object. Other methods defined on the object will propagate through an analogue of a slot called a role, explained in section 2.3 on Methods.

Both control flow and methods are implemented by specialized objects called blocks, which are code closures. These code closures contain their own slots and create activation objects to handle run-time context when invoked. They can also be stored in slots and sent their own kinds of messages.

2.1.1 Block Closures

A block closure represents an encapsulable context of execution, containing local variables, input variables, the capability to execute expressions sequentially, and finally returns a value to its point of invocation. The default return value for a block is the last expression's value; an early return can override this.

Block closures have a special syntax for building them up syntactically. Blocks can specify input slots and local slots in a header between vertical bars (||), and then a sequence of expressions which comprises the block's body. Block expressions are delimited by square brackets. The input syntax allows specification of the slot names desired at the beginning. For example,

Slate> [| :i j k | j: 4. k: 5. j + k - i]. 
creates and returns a new block. Within the header, identifiers that begin with a colon such as :i above are parsed as input slots. The order in which they are specified is the order that arguments matching them must be passed in later to evaluate the block. If the block is evaluated later, it will return the expression after the final stop (the period) within the brackets, j + k - i. In this block, i is an input slot, and j and k are local slots which are assigned to and then used in a following expression. The order of specifying the mix of input and local slots does not affect the semantics, but the order of the input slots directly determines what order arguments need to be passed to the block to assign them to the correct slots.

Using the term "slot" for local and input variables is not idle: the block is an actual object with slots for each of these variables, and accessors defined on them which are even callable from outside the block, considering it as an object.

In order to invoke a block, the client must know how many and in what order it takes input arguments. Arguments are passed in using one of several messages. By evaluating these messages, the block is immediately evaluated, and the result of the evaluation is the block's execution result.

Blocks that don't expect any inputs respond to value, as follows:

Slate> [| a b | a: 4. b: 5. a + b] value. 
Blocks that take one, two, or three inputs, each have special messages value:, value:value:, and value:value:value: which pass in the inputs in the order they were declared in the block header. Every block responds properly to values: however, which takes an array of the input values as its other argument.

Slate> [| :x :y | x quo: y] value: 17 value: 5. 
Slate> [| :a :b :c | (b raisedTo: 2) - (4 * a * c)]  
 values: {3. 4. 5}. 
If a block is empty, contains an empty body, or the final expression is terminated with a period, it returns Nil when evaluated:

Slate> [] value. 
Slate> [| :a :b |] values: {0. 2}. 

Slate> [3. 4.] value. 

Blocks furthermore have the property that, although they are a piece of code and the values they access may change between defining the closure and invoking it, the code will ``remember'' what objects it depends on, regardless of what context it may be passed to as a slot value. It is called a closure since it ``closes over'' the environment and variables used in its definition. This is critical for implementing good control structures in Slate, as is explained later. Basically a block is an activation frame composed with an environment that can be saved and invoked (perhaps multiple times) long after it is created.

2.1.2 Slot Properties

Slots may be mutable or immutable, and explicit slots or delegation (inheritance) slots. These four possibilities are covered by four primitive methods defined on all objects.

Slate provides several primitive messages to manage slots:

object addSlot: slotSymbol
adds a slot using the symbol as its name, initialized to Nil.
object addSlot: slotSymbol valued: val
adds a slot under the given name and initializes its value to the given one.
object addDelegate: slotSymbol
and object addDelegate: slotSymbol valued: val add a delegation slot, and initialize it, respectively. It is recommended to use the latter since delegation to Nil is unsafe.
Each of the these has a variant which does not create a mutator method for its slot: addImmutableSlot:valued: and addImmutableDelegate:valued:.

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The Slate Project 2003-07-29