The ``Chalk'' User Interface Architecture for the Slate Environment
Brian T. Rice
The Chalk system for the Slate environment is a user-interface architecture
that combines the experience and ideas of many different systems in
a new and comprehensive manner. It provides integration and well-conceived
factorings of many user interface concepts that make it ideal for
both an application-development environment as well as an end-user
environment. It also provides a flexibility in being adaptable to
different display types (terminals and host environments), and a natural
extensibility in providing a cooperative open environment where applications
benefit each other and combine functionality without undo effort or
The Morphic user interface architecture was introduced in the Self
system, and later adopted and expanded within Squeak Smalltalk. It
makes a lot of considerations for end-user programming, and providing
a certain amount of power ahead of the developer's usual interaction
in an array of views on programs' source text.
With morphs, ``What you see is what it is.'' They can double as
pieces of application functionality as well as the graphical elements
that represent it. Much effort is placed in supporting this idea with
development tools which are available through direct interaction with
a morph, mostly through some sort of interactive inspector and editor
to modify attributes and behavior.
While Morphic screen elements often have domain model objects driving
them, it is nevertheless the core concept that morphs can have their
own state and behavior, and can be picked up and dropped into another
environment and work in much the same way. Animation is even provided
through a single hook method to self-update. Generally, this suggests
a prototype-style object system, with methods definable on any object
and cloning of objects being the simplest version of duplicating behavior.
The Squeak implementation manages to achieve this to a decent degree
by automating the provision of these features over a class-based system.
- Morph
- A display object which has both behavior and a variable amount
of state.
- World
- The top-level display object which controls the coordinate
system, deals with the underlying drawing context, and is a morph
as well.
- Step
- The animation and updating protocol method. Each world propagates
a periodic stepping message to its underlying elements recursively,
which act on it as they see fit.
- Dependents
- The mechanism for notifying an unforeseeable number of
interested third-party objects of state changes to a certain object.
- Cloning
- New graphical elements do not have to be generated from
a factory method, but can instead be copied from a template or from
a live, working example.
Outliners, halos, menus, workspaces...
Self - object-oriented, prototypes, multiple dynamic inheritance,
single dispatch.
Squeak Smalltalk - class-based, single inheritance, tries to emulate
Self features in order to make working with morphs livable.
CLIM stands for ``Common Lisp Interface Manager''. The term ``interface
manager'' reflects the abstraction with which CLIM deals with interface
issues; generally it invites creating applications as an extension
of a general framework and substrate, and also as introducing a service
within a system. Moreover, it reflects a philosophy of system design
in that CLIM takes over the entire input/output cycle of an application
CLIM began as a descendant of the Dynamic Windows graphical interface
manager, developed at great cost for Symbolics' Genera platform running
on dedicated, high-end hardware. As a result, this system developed
with little concern for wide-spread usage: CLIM was merely developed
to make a portable variant, even with a provisional specification
for vendors to follow. The DUIM toolkit is the ``Dylan User Interface
Manager'', representing an adaptation of CLIM to modern graphics
resources, while also simplifying and rationalizing much of the library
Abstraction from platform-specific issues: displays, input methods.
Windowing systems are treated as back-ends, along with the widgets
they provide.
A generic framework for nouns (presentation types), and verbs (commands
and presentation methods).
Interfaces are generated in a semi-automated fashion, through this
- Region
- The various types of geometrical shapes on a screen. These
types separate out a lot of the display occlusion and composition
logic into a rational set of operations.
- Design
- Regions generalized to encompass composable patterns. This
is an area where historically multiple inheritance has been leveraged
to a huge degree to provide a lot of genericity.
- Input Record
- An input stream - a provider of input to the various
screen areas, whose elements could be cached and replayed.
- Output Record
- A kind of display list - a collection of instructions
for drawing something on the screen. Output records can contain other
output records as well, forming a display tree. They also can act
as a drawing history, which can then be partially or totally replayed
or used for scrolling and layout re-use.
- Presentation
- Associates a type of object, an instance of that type
of object, and that object's visual representation. Basically, when
something should be represented, and output record is created associated
with the object in question and the type of presentation governing
the appearance and use of it.
- Presentation Type
- A user-interface data type, which describes in
one place all the information about an object necessary to display
it to the user and interact with the user for object input. Sometimes
these types are related to the underlying program objects as
such, but this is not necessarily the case.
- Translator
- A translator is a function which can dynamically provide
a relevant meaning for a presentation type outside of the context
it was intended for.
- Command
- Represents a single user interaction. It has a symbolic
name as well as an argument signature. Historically, these have been
mapped to menu items and shell commands.
- Present/Accept
- The main input/output pairing associated with the
presentation concept and translations. Presenting basically takes
some object, renders it on screen, and tags the on-screen representation
with the object and presentation type. Accepting is a system for input
which can draw from the available on-screen presentations. A command
may request an argument of a certain type. This alters the context
to a situation where objects which satisfy this type of input are
sensitive to be used for input on a single mouse-click. Mouse-overs
will query display objects and they will highlight themselves to indicate
sensitivity in the context. Also, a system of name completion is also
provided within input fields where text is the mode, and the scope
is also context-sensitive in the above sense.
- Gesture
- A single input event, from various kinds of devices, such
as mice, keyboards, digitizers, or other kinds of tablets or touch-screens.
- Medium
- Handles the device-specific information for drawing objects.
Basically there is one medium for every underlying graphics architecture
or context used.
- Sheet
- Specifies the destination for the graphical output of a medium,
while being portable. Something of an ideal graphics plane, which
is rendered down to the non-ideal medium.
- Pane
- Port
- Gadget
- Represents a widget or control or decoration in an underlying
graphics system. These are abstract, so that a certain widget will
be implemented on various platforms in the native way, or also so
that CLIM or the application can provide a substitute where the underlying
graphics system does not implement it.
The listener, the menus, the status line, the application, the command
CLOS / Dylan - object-oriented, classes, multiple dispatch, singleton-specializers,
macros, closures, optional keywords.
simpler constraints.
pipe-style event processing.
2-d/3-d integration
Painless interoperation of user-interaction programming and large-scale
application interface development.
The geometry concepts are straightforwardly adopted from CLIM/DUIM.
- Region
- A geometrical space with a notion of inside vs. outside.
- BoundRegion
- A region which has bounded extent.
- Everywhere
- The region encompassing all others.
- Nowhere
- The empty region.
- RegionSet
- A set of regions.
- RegionUnion
- A RegionSet that acts as a union of those regions.
- RegionIntersection
- A RegionSet that acts as an intersection
of those regions.
- RegionComplement
- The ``outside'' of a Region as a Region.
- Point
- A 0-dimensional Region at one location.
- Area
- Any 2-dimensional region.
- Rectangle
- A rectangle-shaped Area, aligned with coordinate
directions for simplicity.
- Trace
- Any 1-dimensional Region.
- Path
- A simple 1-dimensional series of Points.
- LineSegment
- A portion of a straight line, defined between two Points.
- Polygon
- A (possibly) closed series of LineSegments. If
it is closed, there is a notion of interior for it.
- \/
- Union; successive unions add to a single
collecting RegionUnion.
- /\
- Intersection; successive intersections
add to a single collecting RegionIntersection.
- -
- Geometrical difference.
- complement
- Returns a RegionComplement corresponding
to the argument.
- contains:
- Compares regions to see if one contains all of
the other.
- intersects:
- Compares regions to see if any area is in common
between them.
- boundingBox
- Returns a (smallest) Rectangle which
contains the given BoundRegion.
- SceneElement
- An OrderedTree object specialized to with
display-specific knowledge.
- Canvas
- An abstraction over drawing targets or rendering backends.
It is a surface to be drawn upon, with state and updatability.
- Medium
- An abstraction over stylistic drawing options, such as the
color and pattern of the ink, or thickness / shape of the pen used
to draw shapes. Each canvas has a medium attached to it describing
its default options, allowing the user to ignore such details for
the most part. The user may also supply a more specific medium to
draw with, composing over the default.
- Design
- A set of drawing options or effects that can be combined
before rendering with other designs or regions to make a particular
visual effect.
Presentations are domain-specific user interface data types. Each
application has its own set of semantically significant user interface
entities; a CAD program for designing circuits has its various kinds
of components (gates, resistors, and so on), while a database manager
has its relations and field types. These entities have to be displayed
to the user (possibly in more than one displayed representation) and
the user has to be able to interact with and specify the entities
via input actions. Frequently, each user interface entity has a corresponding
Slate object type (such as an application-specific structure or Slate
object's definition), but this is not always the case. The data representation
for an interaction entity may be a primitive Slate object type. In
fact, it is possible for several different user interface entities
to use the same kind of Slate object for their internal representation,
for example, building floor numbers and employee vacation day totals
could both be represented internally as integers.
Chalk provides a framework for defining the appearance and behavior
of these user interface entities via the PRESENTATION TYPE
mechanism. A presentation type can be thought of as a Slate object
that has some additional functionality pertaining to its roles in
the user interface of an application. By defining a presentation type
the application programmer defines all of the user interface components
of the entity:
- Its displayed representation, textual or graphical.
- Textual representation, for user input via the keyboard.
- Pointer sensitivity, for user input via the pointer.
In other words, by defining a presentation type, the application programmer
describes in one place all the information about an object necessary
to display it to the user and interact with the user for object input.
The set of presentation types forms an inheritance heterarchy, an
extension of the Slate object heterarchy. When a new presentation
type is defined as a subtype of another presentation type it inherits
all the attributes of the supertype except those explicitly overridden
in the definition.
Manifest presentations are those constructed by an explicit tagging
by the parent application on its output elements with some type and
formatting. These descend from CLIM's presentation notion.
Latent presentations are those that exist because the nature or structure
of the output itself. For clarity's sake, latent presentations only
become available on demand due to the context, without an explicit
tagging required a priori. This is the primary advantage of
this type of presentation usage, in that application design may be
extended at run-time to support vocabulary and usage by other applications.
- Looking up a word in a language dictionary, since any text on the
screen can contain what amount to applicable content for, say, a command
which is the interface to this functionality. So, selecting this command
puts the context in position to accept from a stream anything which
dynamically parses as a word.
- Basing a text editor's actions and selectivity on the latent presentation
types of characters, words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. In
a similar manner as the Emacs editor architecture, content could be
notated to have a certain mode, which defines the effective meaning
of these implicit presentation types and the actions upon them within
a certain view on some content.
- For editing graphics, a mode of operation may be desired which applies
to anything with a region on the screen. In this case, the regions
of the visual elements would be queried for their geometrical type,
and the available operations for this latent type could be based upon
the provisions of those for a graphical editor application which uses
manifest tagging for its own operation.
There are two cases of support for presentation types in the latent
presentation case. The first is where the application itself is made
with some knowledge of this presentation type, or perhaps has defined
it on its own. In this case, it is desirable to allow the application
to determine the method for accepting them within the context. Specifically,
when a presentation query is performed on a visual element, an upward
search in the visual graph of elements should query application objects
that it encounters for supported types. Types matching the current
context's acceptance parameter would then have their accept methods
run over the bottom-level scene elements, and the innermost-found
object would be the last searched-for.
The ``plug-in'' or third-party support for presentation types
would have lower precedence than the means an application itself provided
for any types. The natural way to fit this in to the previous scheme
is to define support for them in the applicable world, corresponding
to a top-level scene graph element.
This scheme allows for context-dependent treatment of types and their
parse, through the precedence toward the innermost support.
The act of selecting and dynamically grouping on-screen elements could
be enhanced greatly by providing a menu or action context for it which
is built by applying some ACCEPT method accepting based on
installed presentation types; this would provide another form of accessing
latent presentations, differentiated in that the selection provides
a manual hint of the scope. Such ACCEPT methods for usability's
sake should be ordered for precedence in terms of the desirability
of certain presentation types over others by the user in a certain
context, as well as limited by a certain threshold: beyond a certain
point, too many distinctly parsed possibilities would overwhelm the
user, and some will be beyond any interest level, unless no other
possibilities are valid.
- Presentation
- A SceneElement annotated with an associated
presented object and the semantic type used with that object.
- View
- An object representing a kind of output format style for a
presentation to use. This is usually associated with an output medium,
but may be mixed via user preferences or various constraints of necessity
(like brevity in a complicated display collection).
Latent presentations form part of the basic notion of a MORPH
in that the interface element can be considered as a thing-in-itself
for operational actions and queries upon them. In the sense that latent
presentation could be provided within a generic query mechanism on
the on-screen elements, it is more general by being more ``late-bound''
than the traditional morph concept. In this way, the morph concept
is reduced to a more fundamental idea that the interface elements
on the display may have state and behavior in and of themselves, or
``as they are'' instead of ``as they were created''.
How to build functionality and applications in Slate - the various
- 1
- Programming as an Experience: The Inspiration for Self. Randall
B. Smith and David Ungar. Sun Microsystems Laboratories. ECOOP Proceedings,
- 2
- CLIM 2.0 Specification
- Kras88
- A Cookbook for Using the Model-View- Controller User Interface
Paradigm in Smalltalk-80. G. E. Krasner and S. T. Pope. JOOP, vol
1, no 3, August/ September, 1988, pp 26-49.
- Deac95
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture. John Deacon. 1995.
Available Online
- Myer96
- Re-usable Hierarchical Command Objects. Brad A. Myers and David
S. Kosbie. Proceedings CHI'96: Human Factors in Computing Systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada. April 14-18, 1996. Available Online in HTML
in PostScript
- 3
- Garnet
- 4
- Haystack
The ``Chalk'' User Interface Architecture for the Slate Environment
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