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Slate includes a port of Smalltalk's SUnit unit-testing framework
(implemented in src/lib/test.slate), as well as a collection
of unit tests (in tests/*.slate). Three namespaces are
provided in which users may place their TestCases:
- testing UnitTests
- should contain unit-test cases;
- testing RegressionTests
- is for test cases covering bug fixes, for
detecting regressions; and
- testing BenchmarkTests
- is to contain test cases for measuring the
speed of the system.
There is a method testing runAllTests which runs all TestCases
found in a recursive search of the UnitTests and RegressionsTests
To write your own test cases, add a prototype derived from TestCase
to the namespace you've chosen, within the appropriate container -
either UnitTests or RegressionTests. For example, suppose you are
writing test cases covering Ranges; you might write
- UnitTests addPrototype: #Range derivedFrom: {TestCase}.
Once your prototype has been constructed, add tests to it. Test methods
are unary methods with selectors beginning with test. For
- tc@(UnitTests Range traits) testInclusion1
"Verify that all elements of an Range are found in that Range."
[| range |
range: (25 to: 50 by: 1).
tc assert: (range allSatisfy: [| :item | range includes: item]).
The important assertion methods are
- assert: Boolean
deny: Boolean
should: Method
should: Method raise: Condition
shouldnt: Method
shouldnt: Method raise: Condition
and variants with an additional description: String argument.
Once all your test methods are defined, a suite method should
be defined that constructs a TestSuite for exercising the
- t@(UnitTests Range traits) suite
[t suiteForSelectors: {
``... etc. ...''
See also the method TestCase suiteForSelectors:. The suite
method is called by runSuite, which in turn is called by
At this point, invoking testing runAllTests will exercise
your new code.
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Previous: 4.5 Type-Annotating Expressions
Brian Rice